Submitted by Sayuri_olg t3_y2knex in tifu

So I'm a freshman in high school and I only have 3 teachers and I only see one once a week but the teacher I'm going to talk about | see at least twice a week (Tuesday and Wednesday). So last week told my teacher about a book that I read and really enjoyed it was verity by Colleen Hoover and if you read her books than you know that her work contains……certain work. And she told me that she was intrigued by the book since it's a dark mystery. In that moment I was just so happy that she was so interested into something I told her about, but I forgot about the specific parts that you wouldn't want a teacher, especially a teacher that you see twice a week. So before I got to her class I grabbed the book, still forgetting about the parts, I took it to her after class and after a little chit chat I left and the moment I stepped out of her class I remembered all the smut I've ever read but specifically in verity and all I wanted to do was cry and rip my hair out. I can already hear and smell the awkward conversation we're going to have.

TL: i gave my 70 yr. old teacher a book that has smut and we’re probably gonna have the worlds most uncomfortable conversation after

Edit 1: So I keep getting told that this isn’t a Big deal so here’s so information I left out. I HEAVILY ANNOTATED this book I’m talking about: highlighting, underlying, adding commentary, and tabbed I did everything to this book and about the comments I’m not talking about light comments i mean things like “oh lord” bad.



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Unhidden_Realms t1_is44ytw wrote

70 year olds are aware of the existence of sex. Your teacher is not going to care. Don't worry.


StrongSponge t1_is47yu2 wrote

I just finished reading that book yesterday


autoencoder t1_is4ovf3 wrote

In the case she does not like the smut, she can get over it.

If she can't get over it, maybe she's not worth keeping as a friend.

If she tells you she enjoyed the book, you will find a deeper friendship.


PsychoticPangolin t1_is53wkb wrote

Sex isn't "bad", it's a normal part of the human condition, for hundreds of thousands of years. You're overthinking this. She's probably just happy you were willing to share your interests. Good teacher and student bonds can be hard to come by.


ZiegenSchrei t1_is5gy9b wrote

I think she might know what sex is and that is rather prevalent in media. How old are you bro? This shouldn't be a concern


SethMalcolm1 t1_is5np3h wrote

You sound like a 10 years old, calm down, you'll be fine.


Ainar86 t1_is5q135 wrote

Holup, only 3 teachers in high school? Yeah, that doesn't sound plausible.


Individual_Issue_330 t1_is6897j wrote

Teachers are humans too, they’ve read smut in books let’s be real. It’s not the smut that made the book interesting correct? The book is not purely just smut correct? No photos, just words? There’s a story to it and in the end I’m sure your teacher could care less.


monstblitz t1_is6hwrh wrote

Old people like smut too. She'll probably love it and I don't think you have anything to worry about.


Sayuri_olg OP t1_is74mrn wrote

I go to an alternative school so I don’t have many teachers for my subjects I have one for social sciences and algebra and one for pe and the one I’m talking about for freshman in transition and mentor meetings


OldRobert66 t1_is74sp6 wrote

If it's a good book with good smut she'll appreciate it.


Sayuri_olg OP t1_is74z58 wrote

Damn who hurt you today I’m just I don’t want to hear it from my teacher I’m aware that she knows what sex is but a lot of teachers always have something to say about young people doing something and she’s that kind of person so yeah and what does my age have to do with this!


Aminar14 t1_is78gh6 wrote

Fifty Shades of Grey was huge not that long ago. Teachers read it and saw all kinds of kids reading it. Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear was on my Middle School approved book list and in the library. Its sequels are basically straight up porn at points. This is nothing new. You'll be all right. Smut in prose is by far the most accepted Smut category.


itsnotmariem t1_is79s3e wrote

As long as it's not a sexual book that's somehow insinuating that you wanna sleep with her. YOU WILL BE FINE. I bet she read a thousand books like yours before. You'll be fine as look as you don't act nervous or ashamed.


Sayuri_olg OP t1_is7c1kz wrote

No it’s not something a “child” would be worried about Maybe to you but to someone who doesn’t like hearing that they shouldn’t be reading something just because of their age yeah it’s not a big deal but it’s not something I want to deal with


MurderousFaeries t1_is88vye wrote

Nah, she writes (in my opinion) kinda meh women’s fiction, not quite good romance. Go look at r/romancebooks for better quality romance and/or smut. I started reading romance when I was about 14/15 and I took a few years to get loud and proud about it.

Seriously, the romance community is among the more welcoming and un-judgy reading communities out there. Find your people! We’re cool and chill and smart. I’m in my early 20s and will finish my engineering degree next year.

Another good place to look for thoughtful discussion is the blog Smart Bitches Trashy Books. They have a variety of reviewers come and discuss cool romance, romance-adjacent, or feminist books.


fomoco94 t1_iscs06i wrote

We had that stupid block system when I went to high school too. Great for wood shop or auto mechanics, but try sitting through 2 hours of literature without a break.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_iscvnkl wrote

I don’t think she’ll get to read those pages because you, being a high schooler, already read those pages and as a result they are stuck together


hghjjj14 t1_isqp6t7 wrote

I'm very disappointed to find out that mysteries can have dirty shit in them.

But I'm too busy laughing my head off at the idea of somebody annotating those parts to care. It's ALWAYS the stuff people leave out that's the best lol Kid, this is definitely really embarrassing, but she's 70, she's probably not even going to bat an eye. At most she'll have a good laugh at it just like we all are here, in which case, congrats, you made somebody laugh. Now, you know what's more embarrassing? Falling on your ass during kickball in gym in front of your entire class. Or running away from a kid when he asks you to 5th grade prom. Calling your 4th grade teacher mom accidentally and having her make eye contact with you, crushing your hopes of not having been heard or noticed. My point is we all do embarrassing shit while in school/beyond. Embrace the cringe.

Please read something else though smh


Jayisbacckk t1_isr2tag wrote

It’s not a big deal… old people have seen and done worse than you probably would think lol


Icy_Put_659 t1_istylgw wrote

maybe she'll end up liking it instead who knows


Unique-Operation9766 t1_itfatxt wrote

Well at least you'll give her a chuckle and give some life back to her cells :P Updates, please


Unique-Operation9766 t1_itfb2ve wrote

I agree but at the same time it's possible they were trying to refer to girls and women in 2 syllables as opposed to 4 and that they also refer to boys and men in 1 syllable as opposed to 3. Unlikely, but still a possibility. Like rolling a 12 when you have 2 six sided dice.


Chemical-Hawk3835 t1_itxvisa wrote

If I were your teacher I'd chuckle at that. Is it embarrassing? Probably for many people it would be. But sex is a natural part of life. And part that should be embraced, not surrounded by shame. You were open and authetic, I think your teacher will appreciate that Hopefully you look back at this fondly later in life.