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marphod OP t1_isa07l8 wrote

WRT Sigyn and Skadi, quite probably.


Norse mythology. Loosely and briefly, in punishment for everything he had done, Skadi (Ice Giant/Goddess) entrapped Loki in a cave, using the entrails of his son as the bindings, and set a snake above him, dripping toxins into Loki's eyes. Sigyn, Loki's wife, stood by with a bowl to collect the toxins, but when it was full, she stepped aside to empty it. Loki, wracked with pain, shook so violently, that that's how we get earthquakes.


WRT to Schrödinger's Sparrow, it is just a play on the classics quantum mechanics thought-experiment (Schrödingers Cat). (You likely know this one already).


With respect to Grunthar, no. no reference in particular. Just a stupid random fucking Viking returned from Valhalla in avian form to fuck up my sickness-addled sleep-deprived mind.


(Edit: There are also very brief throw away references to Les Miserables, "Row, Row, Row your boat", Babylon 5, the late painter/PBS personality Bob Ross, the trope about superior European windows, and the HHGttG. The last 2 are very weak references.)


chonk_fox89 t1_isb3n1k wrote

What was the B5 reference? It hurts my brain to read it again 😅


marphod OP t1_isc6yal wrote

"No bird today ... . Bird tomorrow. Always Bird tomorrow."

Replace Bird with Boom, and attribute to Ivanova.