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ThsMnkyWntsaWrdWthU t1_isuo7rd wrote

I do this too! Man, one of the best feelings in the world is finding out other ADHD people do the same "odd" things I do to get by/relax. It makes me feel more normal. Thanks for being that person for me today!


cafedream t1_isv8xwg wrote

I used to listen to music and then podcasts. But now I find audiobooks to be the best way to minimize distractions. I also listen while I’m cleaning or doing literally anything that I need to minimize distractions. If I need to concentrate hard on something and the book is becoming the distraction, I turn it off. Otherwise, I’ve got sound in my ears.

My ADHD friends hard core plan and make lists. I just distract my brain so I don’t get distracted. If that makes any sense. 😂