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Scarecrow314159 t1_isth2nl wrote

What were you supposed to do differently in hindsight?


SinibusUSG t1_isuw039 wrote

A good sympathetic puke is always appreciated, even if you can only muster a dry-heave.


Ewalk t1_isv3ncl wrote

I thought protocol was to loudly scream “Oh god you’re puking!?” And then puke louder.

You know, to drown out the sound of their puking.


TitularFoil t1_isv63qn wrote

The first and only time I was ever drunk I was being driven home by a friend, my wife was in the back with my friends wife, and I had the state of mind to tell them I needed to throw up. He pulled over into a fast food parking lot, and I climbed out into the grass and started throwing up.

My friend Mike, who was driving gets out, and starts running his fingers through my hair telling me I'll be okay and that I'll feel better once it's all out.

That's the only thing I remember about that night, and it was the safest I felt in a weird and foreign situation I was in.


ZoulsGaming t1_isupgtd wrote

I suggest a heimlich maneuver to make it finish faster.


phangrrl t1_isvdbvt wrote

I hope your comment was meant as a joke.


Subject-Base6056 t1_isv1oyk wrote

Tell the fucking coach you twit? Could have just been running pukes, but also could have been ANYTHING. If she couldnt even shake her head yes or no, help should have been called regardless.


thelittlefae5 t1_isv38cr wrote

In all fairness, it sounds like that was the plan until they saw the person was alright


Cohibaluxe t1_isv0kv2 wrote

Get a container and store it for later. No food waste!