Submitted by ModeloTime_Ese t3_y8lw8t in tifu

As the title says, I fucked up by breaking up with the woman I loved because I was unsure I wanted to be with her anymore. After a month of space, I realized I did in fact love her and wanted to be with her again. She said no, the month apart was the most painful thing she had felt, but had already moved on. I don’t know why I did this, our relationship was good, and she was the best. We work in the same place, and Now I have to see her everyday and ignore the feelings I have for her. I don’t know what to do. I want to beg but that would only push her away more.

Edit: I know I’m in the wrong, I’m not fit to be in a relationship. I broke her first. I need to fix my internal problems before I think of trying again. I needed to get this off my chest, I moved away from all my close friends and I don’t speak with them as much as I’d like to

Edit 2: she’s willing to give me another chance, she still loves me and understands how the mind can mess with you. She said she wants me to get better, but that she’d be with me while I work on myself. Thank you all.



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TheSimpWhisperer t1_it0w4z9 wrote

Bro! Same! But sometimes we don't do what we want, but do what is best, even if one party doesn't see it that way at the moment. Damn I miss her.


JungleBoyJeremy t1_it0xfxg wrote

Should have asked for some space if that’s what you needed.


laythor t1_it0z0b3 wrote

It's over. She moved on and you will to. The only thing stopping you from accepting reality is being disappointed in trying something new " being alone" and finding out you didn't like it as much.

There is a reason you asked for space, remember that. Regrets can destroy people, don't let it.

It's very possible you will meet someone who makes you never want space from them.


shesavillain t1_it0z2mk wrote

You mention you guys work together and how you’re gonna have to see her everyday as if She wasn’t seeing you everyday after you broke her heart


Toka972 t1_it0zxu0 wrote

People always crave what they can't have.

You weren't sure of what you wanted but now you are? You probably got confused out of boredom. Regardless of your feelings, you are not relationship material and should stay single to work on yourself. You either didn't really love her or didn't know how to commit.


DestoryDerEchte t1_it1hhyq wrote

Relationship advice from redditors is always very interssting


unsung_hero88 t1_it1j8e1 wrote

You didn’t have to break up. Should’ve kept her around as you figured things out


VolvicD t1_it1pzzu wrote

Respect her decision just let her go


CanineQueenB t1_it1rwdb wrote

Good for you. Grass isn't always greener.


weirdrugs t1_it2hvfc wrote

This is classic I've been through a similar thing recently. Once you've made the decision you gotta commit to it. You'll feel better once you've met some new people and realise You're just lonely and jealous she's moved on and that's why you want her back.


milesjr13 t1_it2yhe8 wrote

That's rough buddy.

Yuh both got screwed :(


ZoeyDean t1_it307l5 wrote

Sometimes breaking up and moving on is the right thing to do. Doesn't mean it won't hurt though.

Those are the ones that hurt the most, saying goodbye to someone you don't want to ever stop knowing.


BIG_MUFF_ t1_it333gu wrote

I’ve done this, never felt the same since


MLDAYshouldBeWriting t1_it35q9h wrote

You can't unring this bell but you can resolve to grow from this and approach future relationships with more maturity and kindness.


TuliBean t1_it35qiq wrote

Never shit where you eat for future reference. This would not be nearly as hard if you didn't see her daily.


pandemicblues t1_it3ei6d wrote

Try and find another job...not sure what you do, so not sure how realistic that is.

Create some real space to explore how you really feel about her. Meet some other women. Do you need her, or a person that fills a role in your life?

If you find your thoughts returning to her over and over, you might want to get in touch. See where she is at.


SethMalcolm1 t1_it4zsg2 wrote

Lmao kinda ur fault. Sucks for you, but honestly 100% deserved.