Submitted by blackcatonacid t3_y99rng in tifu

This happened last night , I just woke up and still traumatised and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if its going to be bit hard to read.

I [M,26] lives in Colombia for the last 6 months (originally from the middle east) with my girlfriend [F,22] (local).

Me and my girlfriend love to eat shrooms together from time to time while working out , reading,  travelling the nature  and things like that.

Even though we are together for just 6 months we know each other so well , and know how to deal with tripping well , so we always know what to say to the other if the trip went wrong to fix it and make the experience pleasant and beneficial for us both.

But not last night... last night was something different.. we had 10 g we bought from someone new and we haven't tried those yet , we decided to eat 3 each and have calm evning watching movies or documentaries. (3 grams usually dont gives us that strong of an experience,  we both already tried 6-7 gram on multiple occasions and dealt with that well)

So for the first few hours my girlfriend was tripping hardly and I barely felt anything and thought that this time I'm not going to feel anything as much time have passed and I was sure it was going to only get weaker from this point.

Our conversation turned really dark few times , talks about mental illness , suicides and things like that... I was still pretty sober so I managed to calm her and change the subject every time she talked about those things and suggesting that we should talk about things like that in the morning while we are sober... but I guess that this thoughts and information sneaked into my mind....

Now I'm still pretty traumatised to speak about all that happened that night so I'll cut to the main fuck up and might edit later and add some more details.

About 5-6 hours after we ate the shrooms (in that time I'm usually way after my trip) I find myself with 0 memory about who I got here , who is my girlfriend,  where am I, why am I drugged,  how the fuck I speak Spanish.. complete blackout.

I look at my hands and in my hands my girlfriend's sleeping pills package, and for some reason in my mind I have the thought that she took many pills to commit suicide, I look at her and I'm sure I can still see pills smashed over her lips , I can hear her mouth so dried from the huge amount of pills I'm sure she just shoved in her mouth.

I tried asking her how many pills she took but she was still drugged and just scared me more by answering , "I don't know" , "nothing or maybe just 1 or maybe 2"... such suspicious answers..

Know imagine this situation from my eyes for a moment, I know I'm in Colombia but I don't know how I got here or what city I'm in... I don't know who this girl or what am I doing here.. all I know she just tried to commit suicide and if I won't do something know I'm going to wake up tomorrow with a dead body,  in strange country.

I'm thinking to myself that's it , you really done this time , you fucked up , you fucked up so bad , there isn't way back from this , this girls death is going to be on you , you will never see your family or daylight again , you fucked up , the life you know are over , you have to do something to fix it , if you're going to let this girl fall asleep she won't wake up.

So I'm starting to scream at her she has to throw up , she has to throw up all of that. She is telling she didn't took anything but I don't believe her , I see her eyes I can see she is drugged (of course not remembering that we even ate the shrooms so I'm sure it's because of the pills).

I'm screaming at her she has to throw this up , and she tells me she just need to sleep , she can't do this anymore (talking about that we are drugged but my mind in those moments thought this was suicidal talk...)

She is telling me she can't manage to throw up and that I should help her if that's important,  so I stuck my hands in her throat trying to help her throw up.

She is throwing up all over my hand but I don't care , I don't want this person to die here, I keep yelling at her "why did you do this?" , "how did I get here?" , "why am I drugged" , "please don't die" , "please don't go to sleep"

Needles to say it was traumatising experience for both of us..  but we have talked since and she doesn't resent me for what happened... we both agreed we needed a break until the next trip and there are things in our life we need to change and improve first...

The apartment looks like war happened here last night and after what I did i volunteer to clean it all by myself,  so that's what I'll be doing for today.

TL;DR Got bad trip from shrooms , didn't remember who is my girlfriend,  thought she tried to commit suicide by pills so I violently shoved my hand down her throat while yelling at her.



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chrollo_on t1_it5szew wrote

Don't listen to them comments, it's a sign to stop taking shrooms'


mansetta t1_it65e5q wrote

With psychedelics and MDMA there definitely is that point where you need to take a break.


rhymingrhino t1_it86vjo wrote

Seriously I wonder how many times they tripped in those 6 months


pijamaua t1_it6ctqc wrote

As a person with multiple bad trips, I can only say that the first bad trip is the sign that you should stop doing psihedelics. After my 1st bad trip the psichedelics started to fuck up my brain slowly but surely had to go to many therapy sessions to overcome what has been done... Just stop doing shrooms.


carljohnson0690 t1_it7uy8r wrote

Happened to me. Had a really really bad trip. Few months later felt I was ready same deal. Tried a 3rd time few months later and again a bad trip. So I'm done. Probably for life. They helped me quit drinking and helped the way I view life. I think my body said it's good now. Doesn't need them anymore.


802to406 t1_it7o9zi wrote

Man tripped so hard he doesn’t know how to spehl anymores


pijamaua t1_it7s22s wrote

Or maybe I'm not a native English speaker...


802to406 t1_it7srt8 wrote

A more probable, and less silly, possibility


paigethesaige t1_it8bp1r wrote

Same happened to me. I didnt go to therapy for it, but it took years to get back to normal. I was not okay for a long time.


MysticMcCusker t1_itf1i4f wrote

Yep, medicine for some, poison for others. Depends entirely on your neurological and biological makeup. Which is in part determined by your genetics


Icy_Engine_7648 t1_it52v9b wrote

So don't take shrooms anymore.


rolltongue t1_it5h1fv wrote

Right? Every other comment is like, “change your dealer”. This instance is called getting let off with a warning…


AllanfromWales1 t1_it52j42 wrote

I don't know what you took, but normal shrooms would not do that to you. Timescales and effects don't add up. I'd avoid the guy who sold you those.


TuliBean t1_it5f2t0 wrote

Rubbed pcp on some random woods mushrooms


TheToyScarecrow t1_it5i6qn wrote

Normal shrooms very much can do that to you


[deleted] t1_it6j1aw wrote

After 5-6 hours of eating em?


TheToyScarecrow t1_it6lx45 wrote

So most experts agree, shroom trips last between 4 to 6 hours. There’s a number of factors that impact when your peak is how long it lasts, etc. but one of the most important things to remember is if you have what is a potentially a life altering moment during a trip, when you are coming down you will likely be extremely susceptible to having hallucinations that are caused more naturally by something like sleep deprivation, or natural wandering (call of the void).

And I don’t think I could give you an accurate timeline on any of my trips because I didn’t schedule anything but the worst trip of my life started at 9 pm and went through the night, it probably ended around three or 4 AM But I don’t remember sleeping. I do remember the next morning being quite bad however. Previous trips I had a newfound appreciation for things that would last a couple days, some people call it a glow or sparkle. After my worst trip I woke up with a harrowing feeling: like a stain or shadow was cast upon me. It took a long time to shake that off. I suffered from ptsd revisiting moments from the trip that would send me back into despair on a good day. I would literally feel like I was still tripping randomly like a trip with a trip (tripception) especially right afterwards. It’s gotten better, I think it’s been about 2 years since, but every once and awhile I feel a sinking feeling because a memory surfaced.

I will never do shrooms again because for all the fun trips I had one extreme experience ruined anything positive.

I knew where the shrooms came from, I knew what species they were, previous batches from the same spores were no where near the level of intensity that bad trip shrooms were. And it wasn’t just me, there were a total of 5 of us that went on that trip. We all drank the same tea prepped the same way split equally. Only one of us had a “good” trip.


noahB53 t1_it6adew wrote

Normal psilocybin mushrooms don’t usually cause the effects op described (lots of experience). There are three possibilities, the more likely one is that there was one bad mushroom in the batch that “poisoned” op causing his irrational panic and memory loss. Or op has an underling mental condition that got triggered by this specific strain of mushroom causing his temporary psychotic episode. Or the stuff was laced with some mystery drug.


TSCCaillou t1_it5iwqf wrote

Spoken like somebody who doesnt do shrooms


TheToyScarecrow t1_it5jdr5 wrote

I don’t do shrooms anymore, I had a really bad trip that was comparable to his experience.

I knew the source of the shrooms and the Id they were just super potent.

Again it’s entirely possible it was just shrooms.


TSCCaillou t1_it5pupl wrote

On a hero dose of 3gs ill bet too


TheToyScarecrow t1_it5qyx1 wrote

Worse than that 3g not fully dried. /s

There a lot of factors on when it hits and how hard it hits.


SirPage t1_it5utej wrote

High doses of mushrooms can definitely do this ....


AllanfromWales1 t1_it6l6ml wrote

OP says this was a low dose..


shorterthanyou15 t1_it76eul wrote

3g is definitely a high dose, especially if they are potent shrooms.


SandyBeaverTeeth t1_it8qcjp wrote

More importantly, 3g is a highly variable dose, and borderline meaningless/misleading, because not all shrooms are the same.


AllanfromWales1 t1_it77o6m wrote

Nonsense. OP himself said he was used to higher doses. Personally I'll take ten times that, and have never had a bad trip. Also, the delay before onset of the bad trip isn't what I'd expect from shrooms as opposed to something 'treated' with pcp or who knows what to make it more potent.


shorterthanyou15 t1_it787gs wrote

Shrooms are natural and therefore the dosage is completely unpredictable. He bought these shrooms from a new dealer so they absolutely could have been more potent than others he's bought. Or maybe all the past ones he bought from a previous dealer were super weak. Reality is that since its unregulated and if you're buying from different people, you will never know the true potency of the shrooms you're taking.

Also I've had super delayed shrooms trips because of eating them on a very full stomach. It takes longer to digest because of that. But I also agree with you that these shrooms could have been laced with something else. But I wouldn't discount the fact that these might have just been super strong shrooms.


AllanfromWales1 t1_it78p03 wrote

Funnily enough I've never bought shrooms from a dealer. They grow on the hills around here (p. semilanceata, liberty caps) so I know what I'm taking. Still quite variable, but within limits. I wouldn't trust a dealer.


Jerkface555 t1_it7bh8n wrote

He is used to higher doses but these are different shrooms. I've taken eights that have given me a mild trip and I have taken 8ths that have made me into a psychotic zombie for 6 hours.


Chances are he just took some normal mushrooms that were stronger than he was used to. This occompanied with whatever kind of shit was going on in his life led to a bad trip. I've seen it a million times.


Its the same as any other psychedelic. Sometimes 3 hits sends you on a great journey. Somtimes you end up in a hellish place and have to hold on by the seat of your pants for the next 8 hours. Just because it went great last time, that doesn't mean next time will be the same thing.


AllanfromWales1 t1_it7e8uk wrote

You think psychedelics are variable? Try some anticholinergic deliriants some time (or perhaps not..). Pure guessworks for the effects from a slightly dry mouth to weeks of sheer madness.


Mrs_Peabody t1_it7n39h wrote

You’ve taken over an ounce of shrooms in one sitting? Jesus. I pick psilocybe cyanescens which are stronger than liberty caps and take 3.5 g when I trip. Most I’ve taken is 7 g which was intense but not in a bad way. Even with liberty caps not being as potent as cyanescens, 30 g sounds insane.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it5cstl wrote

Do not buy from that person ever again. That is extremely weird and abnormal. I’m so sorry that happened to you, sounds terrifying


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it5l100 wrote

Should probably go without saying, but make sure your gf is okay too. If you can, you guys should take some time to seriously rest your minds. Your mind has been stressed and stretched a bunch, and it needs to recuperate. Don’t take any drugs for a while, try meditation, try talking with someone who’s had experience tripping, keep things positive in the house (positive music, no tv/movies that’s sad or scary). If you’re religious, make sure you pray. If you have a therapist, make sure you talk to them. Spend time together. Get plenty of sleep. Spend time in sunlight- do not stay locked up in your house. Warn the guy you bought them from. For real, there might be something VERY wrong with the mushrooms you took, and you don’t want other people to have the experience you did. I’m guessing those mushrooms were not psilocybin but were something else.


razor191919 t1_it8kmmd wrote

What makes you think they weren’t psilocybin? Psilocybin can drive people insane. He didn’t mention any weird physical symptoms either.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8oqjg wrote

What makes me skeptical about the mushrooms is that he peaked very suddenly at hour 5-6, and I’ve never heard of someone doing that. It’s also weird that he didn’t perceive himself to be getting higher prior to that but felt like he was getting more sober. If he’s completely off on his time frame, or isn’t as experienced as he’s saying, that would make sense, but assuming he’s correct, I don’t think it’s out of the question that he ingested a different species of mushroom than he was expecting (like an amanita for example).


TAastronautsloth99 t1_it6m5aq wrote

Could also be a high tolerance and creeping psychotic symptoms. A cube is a cube is a cube, but taking them a lot changes your brain more than you'll want to believe.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8ptsq wrote

Could be


TAastronautsloth99 t1_itb9xfi wrote

However, there's of course a decent chance that someone spiked them. Hard to tell. On second thought, I could see a deliriant being involved. But from a purely pharmacological perspective, there's little that could have been different between the shrooms. However, if they turned out to be a very weak batch, the dealer could have made an extract if locally available Brugmansia species, that maybe in a low dose could have had effects like this? At least conceivably... I mean if the friend had a similar time course and symptoms? Also her readiness to let her do this to her? The amnesia?


SpiltSeaMonkies t1_it7jkzi wrote

I don’t think this is that abnormal tbh. Don’t get me wrong, this sounds like a uniquely horrifying experience, and 3 grams does seem like a low dose for these effects. But even the cleanest psychedelics can 100% produce these types of experiences in the right quantity and with the right set and setting. Ego loss is a hell of a thing.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8pr3r wrote

It’s not the ego loss that tips me off, it’s the timeline and the extremity of it that makes me concerned about either the potency or species of shrooms he ingested. But it’s totally possible that he has something psychologically off with him, I’m not eliminating that possibility. If his gf was fine and only he lost it, then maybe there’s something going on with him.


SpiltSeaMonkies t1_it9h9fr wrote

Yeah I agree, the timeline is odd and, while I’m not a mushroom expert, I haven’t experienced anything like that before. Could be a weird species I guess, I think there’s a lot we don’t know with mushrooms and other psychedelics. It’s also possible they metabolized them weird and had a latent intense reaction, and both are psychologically normal. Someone else in the thread mentioned tolerance since it sounds like they were tripping often, and that could also be a factor.


StealthedWorgen t1_it5vuf3 wrote

The part about this that I can't believe is that she thought she was going to sleep. On shrooms.


[deleted] t1_it5bvxf wrote



slaughterpuss25 t1_it6ypt8 wrote

Is that large of a dose really considered that extreme? I once ate that much on accident because my stupid ass got stoned and forgot I had bought more shrooms than usual and tried to eat the whole bag in one sitting. Only realized when I had made it through most of the bag. Tried to throw up to reduce the consequences of my mistake a bit. Ended up curled up naked in a ball in bed seeing all of human history repeat itself countless times and eventually ending up in the nexus of the universe, being torn apart on the molecular level by gods and entities beyond our understanding. Eventually "I" (by this point the concept of self wasnt really there anymore) realized the only way to escape the situation is to accept that it's happening and I came out of the trip a much less stressed out person over things I cannot control.


shorterthanyou15 t1_it76ldb wrote

Obviously it's extreme, how can you possibly explain that experience you had and not see that it's extreme?


slaughterpuss25 t1_it76rs6 wrote

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I didn't realize that dose was considered the kind of thing that destroyed people. I've always thought of myself as a bit of a lightweight when it came to psychedelics.


shorterthanyou15 t1_it76wlx wrote

From my experience that absolutely is an insane amount to take. The most I've ever seen someone do IRL is 6g and that was a lot for him. I personally have never gone higher than 3 and have found that overwhelming at times.


slaughterpuss25 t1_it77vkd wrote

So it's not just me. I just assumed I was bitch made when it came to them. I started out taking 3.5g I was told that was a standard dose for if I wanted to properly trip. So that's what I did. Usually that was all I would take and I'd have a very intense experience and a great time, but I ended up getting 8 grams and fucked up and forgot that I'd bought extra this time. I didn't eat the entire bag but I got pretty close, ended up throwing up and panicking when I realized. Probably why the trip was so dark at first.


SandyBeaverTeeth t1_it8m3vc wrote

3.5 is a strong dose that will definitely make you "properly trip", as in it is going to be pretty intense. Going over that starts to chance some next level shit that you 'd better be ready for. I prefer more like 2g for a nice, mellow experience where I still retain my sense of self, functionality, all that good stuff.


thatsoundthough t1_it7bghb wrote

Yeah, panic at the start can spiral the experience into negativland a bit, for sure. 3.5g is a very solid trip for most folks.


slaughterpuss25 t1_it9q6ek wrote

The last time I tripped I had 3.5 g. I planned everything out, had on chill music and just colored and had the best time. Cried tears of joy at one point because everything was so beautiful. Felt like everything was going to be okay


thatsoundthough t1_itadko4 wrote

With 1.5-2 g, I just want to roll around in the grass laughing while soaking in the beauty of the clouds and air :)


slaughterpuss25 t1_itag2z7 wrote

That sounds like a really good time. Maybe I'll give a lower dose a shot at some point


lutzskater t1_it8q02e wrote

Anything over 5 grams is considered a "heroic dose" generally. I've done it myself when I was younger a couple times and had a similar experience as you, but then I continued seeking that same experience and after a few more times it ended similarly to OPs story. Now I can't even do mushrooms in my house without intense paranoia.

An analogy Ive found to hold true is, If you think of your mind as a rubber band, you can continue stretching it out as much as you want, but it wont always form back to it's original shape after a while.


Mrs_Peabody t1_it7srf9 wrote

I’ve taken 7g once, intending to go for a walk in the woods, but all my husband and I were capable of was moaning and sensual writhing in bed with closed eyes. Very intense, but because we’re familiar with the effects of psychedelics it didn’t freak us out. After the intense peak (maybe a couple hours after), we did leave the bed and continued to have a beautiful trip. It’s not an amount I’d take and expect to do any kind of activity or social thing for sure. I may or may not take that much again.


CashAndBrass t1_it8mhyd wrote

I love that I know exactly what “machine elves” means even though I’ve never been able to articulate it my self! My only ever attempt was along the lines of “so many gears, so many cogs, so many gnomes.”


phigene t1_it62q18 wrote

How tf do you know about the machine elves?!!?!?!?!?!


3bag t1_it6o1xe wrote

Someone I know had a NDE and saw the machine elves.

Edit: He was terrified and is now afraid of death. Most NDE's experience lightness, tunnel, euphoria etc.


thatsoundthough t1_it7bxie wrote

My ego death experiences included terror as everything slipped away, elation as reality began to return and I remembered that I was human and this was just an exploratory trip, and then a strong sense of having made peace with existence. Fear of death was just a fleeting fear.


[deleted] t1_it7bmdo wrote



phigene t1_it8nxoe wrote

I'm scared that they're real now. I've only seen then once on DMT and it was absolutely terrifying. They are behind the veil puppeteering reality!!


blackcatonacid OP t1_it5cbzr wrote

I didn't reach ego death with that does even though I hoped too, it was definitely still beneficial and educational experience. Helped reach important conclusions and make changes I needed in life.

The weird thing is that this trip was so much more extreme, with just poor 3 grams...


thatsoundthough t1_it5cxoq wrote

Mushroom strength can vary notably, depending on the strain and the growing situation. I've had ego death around 3 grams, but it lasted much longer at 4.5 g + MAOI (for the latter, I did vomit while passing in/out) for an hour. If your experience was legit just with natural mushrooms then I'd expect this batch was especially strong and whatever you took 6-7 g of was especially weak. Maybe?


chonk_fox89 t1_it8brrk wrote

Not really familiar with shrooms, what's ego death?


SandyBeaverTeeth t1_it8mkcx wrote

You lose your sense of self. The boundaries between "you" and "the world" fall away and you feel deep connection with everything around you. It's a main feature of psychedelics, and at any dose it is where the "one with the universe" feeling people describe comes from. "Ego death" happens at high enough doses where you *truly* lose the concept of "me" and cannot access your rational mind that knows you are an individual human and all that. You experience "oneness" in a very real and authentic way, and that can be extremely difficult and disturbing for some people depending on how it manifests for them in their trip. It can also be a profoundly beautiful experience that alters you for the better.

This is why setting up your trip is so important for success if you intend to take a larger dose, and your mental state/unresolved issues/whatever can surface in very extreme ways during this if you have not been caring for them or considering them when entering the trip. The OP's description of a trip that kept coming back to themes of suicide, and ultimately ended with a fixation on suicide while losing most knowledge of himself is exactly what I would expect here. It is a really good example of how someone who is dealing with depression should be extremely cautious about self-medicating with psychedelics. I don't know that OP or their GF is depressed, but it sure sounds like one or both of them might be. There's so much out there about LSD/shrooms/MDMA curing depression, but people don't realize those studies that have shown promising results are all done in a highly controlled manner guided by mental health professionals. Taking random shrooms with your buddies or partner or whatever is not the same thing.

Sorry, that turned into a rant...


chonk_fox89 t1_ita0oyr wrote

No I appreciate it! I've been considering trying some shrooms to help depression and chronic pain so I'm gathering info and really appreciate learning fist hand from others!


throwaway_nowgoaway t1_it5pcw0 wrote

Wow, maoi experience sounds kind of scary


thatsoundthough t1_it5vcu6 wrote

It was no good, but also amazing. The Chemical Brothers' Dig Your Own Hole is forever burned into my of the few things I remember before everything went atomic. Was giggly when the album started, auditory hallucinations kicked in with "It Doesn't Matter," and I don't remember the album ending because I was slumped over the toilet, retching and passing out. The MAOI was definitely not needed.


Ragnarotico t1_it5hhgd wrote

>I find myself with 0 memory about who I got here , who is my girlfriend,  where am I, why am I drugged,  how the fuck I speak Spanish.. complete blackout.

This kind of sounds like ego death. Did you even know your own name at that point?


blackcatonacid OP t1_it5lamq wrote

I knew who I am , that what made it even more confusing.. I couldn't remember the last year of my life or so... My last memory was at my home country at my old apartment.. I freaked out trying to understand how I got here All I could think is how the hell did I fucked up so bad to get into this situation


noahB53 t1_it6alg4 wrote

Naw that’s not ego death. When it happens you will know without a doubt


noahB53 t1_it6ai6s wrote

I think you may have been laced or there was one bad shroom in the batch


wnfakind t1_it8gav9 wrote

Machine elves.. have you even done shrooms bud?


thatsoundthough t1_it92kz4 wrote You should read up on tryptamines.


wnfakind t1_ita6526 wrote

Umm hehe I think you’re thinking of dmt child


thatsoundthough t1_itacxm7 wrote

Definitely not limited to DMT, dude. Learn your chemistry and about the wide array of tryptamines through which many have encountered these types of entities. Perhaps you've not encountered them, but there are plenty of published reports. Do you realize that psilocin is a tryptamine? It's 4-HO-DMT. Oh, and BLESS YOUR HEART, but I'm Gen X.


wnfakind t1_ite7g0r wrote

Ok man thanks for your input, you’ve done your time but still reading to much shit that’s been put in your head to affect your trips.. I congratulate you. To bad all you kids never experienced it before reading about it.. let me guess you got to meet Terrance McKenna in Hawaii too before he passed?

Edit: nice delete smart guy stop spreading stupid joe rogan shit just like all you twats here


therealhairykrishna t1_it79800 wrote

Dude. Give your brain a rest for a bit.

Dosing shrooms can be a dicey business. Some strains can be 3x the active ingredient content of others. Or your new dealer is spiking them with 4-AcO-DMT.


Enteraze t1_it81wry wrote

Wild accusation. 4 aco dmt had never taken 5-6 hours to kick in for me or given me that experience. Even at 100mg (micro), although it was pretty dicey at some points lol


inthepastinthefuture t1_it54b20 wrote

That’s really dark honestly. Did she actually overdose? I feel bad for her. I think it was a mistake to talk about things like suicide while you guys were coming up


FrederickCombsworth t1_it6hkxz wrote

This is why you should ALWAYS have a trip sitter around who can intervene when things go bad.

Trip sitters are not just necessary for beginners, when people are used to taking psychedelics it's a known tendency to underestimate the risks and think "things always went smoothly so nothing will happen, no worries" I've had an old friend impulsively attempt suicide on LSD after years of frequent usage. Never underestimate the risks, always have someone around.


rusty6899 t1_it6afw8 wrote

Don’t do drugs, kids!


gazorpazorpfuknfield t1_it6sldb wrote

10g is WAY WAY too much. If 6-7g wasn't extremely heavy in the past then you are taking very week shooms. For almost everyone 4 or 5g is a heavy dose


Volsnug t1_it7uhlw wrote

Fr, I’ve seen 2g of certain strains hit people HARD


yayan29 t1_it8dt56 wrote

2 grams of albino penis envy mushrooms is enough. Anything past that you're walking into ego death territory


JohnBoingy t1_it8fdag wrote

I had a very brief ego death on 1.5gs of albino penis envy, they are definitely potent little buggers.


JacksonD22 t1_it6v3ep wrote

You know you can take shrooms without taking a violent amount so you can actually enjoy it lmao


San_fran_psycho t1_it8hy8e wrote

3g is hardly a violent amount for people who have been doing them for months


rmrimbim t1_it68q7g wrote

Firstly, I'm so sorry. That sounds terrifying... Maybe stop doing shrooms? But that's a you choice. Secondly, I think given the circumstances, you have to understand that you were trying to help. You were not in your right mind and you were doing what you thought you had to. Like you said, you just didn't want someone you deeply care about to die... No one can fault you for that logic. And the fact you volunteered to clean up I think proves that you understand the situation. I think I'd look at it as a learning experience and perhaps just say no more shrooms...


BashfullyBi t1_it52kqz wrote

Holy shit. Hilarious to read, traumatizing to live through, I'm sure, but a good read.


Allie614032 t1_it7m15x wrote

This is why I say don’t do shrooms (or drugs in general) without a trip sitter!


ANDS_ t1_it7ozcf wrote

This was exactly what I was thinking. The OP put themselves in a false sense of security despite BOTH of them being heavy dosers.


Darth_Vader6968 t1_it6itgq wrote

You fucked up way before when, y’all tried psychedelics… shit can mess you up for life….

Yes maybe you get a 100 good trips, but just 1 bad one can open pathways in your brain, that wil make you mentally ill for life.


capoderra t1_it7slb8 wrote

So this can happen if you are used to eating fresh shrooms and then suddenly take dried shrooms. 6 grams of fresh is between a microdose and a low dose. 6 grams of DRIED is a super high dose, enough to trip 6-8 hours and completely lose yourself. You should really be checking a dose calculator (Google it), and you need to know what species your supplier is giving you. Your supplier can tell you, but obviously people are fallible so do a cross check.

Also, it's necessary to take breaks between trips depending on your objective. I'm not a recreational user, but you need to take time off between dosing.

Finally, there's so much info online. Research "set and setting". There's lemon tech. Inform yourself.


Neuromantul t1_it6a2mz wrote

Take a break from using. You are both too young for it anyway .. stay safe


Ok-Category9249 t1_it5ylfz wrote

Does anybody else see the Army men crawling out of the 4th paragraph from the bottom?


noahB53 t1_it6apo6 wrote

Naw the language keeps changing I can’t read anything


PushFearless5780 t1_it65it6 wrote

that’s terrifying omfg, i’m so sorry for both of you. take care of yourselves !


PaschalisG16 t1_it7s5uc wrote

Bruh the lack of self awareness of OP is disturbing. How about you stop doing shrooms? Jeez. There's literally a lot of reasons not to do it again, you have enough reasons from what you say on the post alone.


nightrook t1_it5mq09 wrote

Shrooms can do that to you if you take too much lol.


Sir_Remington1294 t1_it6t2bs wrote

Not necessarily you but anyone who does mushroom in general, if it can get this bad why the fuck do you still do it? I can’t imagine it’s enjoyable not being able to remember what’s going on around you.


FG88_NR t1_it8cw2i wrote

>if it can get this bad why the fuck do you still do it?

Because it's not normally like this for a lot of people. It's kind of like drinking, if you drink in excess, you can blackout and have a terrible time.

I don't do mushrooms a lot or on the regular, but when I do it's small doses. If I get a shroom I never had before, I practice caution and take small amount so I can better understand how it will effect me. Never have I experienced a situation where I became so disoriented that I didn't know who I am, who the people around me were, and so on.

This isn't remotely close to normal and OP should stay away from shrooms.


samysavage26 t1_it8itke wrote

I've taken a heavy dose of LSD that gave me intense hallucinations but I still knew where I was and who was around me. None of the drugs I've ever played around with made me forget those things. OPs experience is super off, something wasn't right with those shrooms.


Xolitudez t1_it8gt4g wrote

I do shrooms or lsd like once every couple months and it's absolutely great. I always make sure I'm surrounded by people I like, that I'm in the right state of mind and that hopefully we have a trip sitter. If you do it right and respect it then it can be a great experience.


bald_butte t1_it8155j wrote

You sound like you've been doing shrooms waaaaaay too much. You should really only be tripping a few times a year at the most. That shit will fry your brain.


l___I t1_it81vid wrote


How romantic!!! 🥹


zedsdead79 t1_it9kgnd wrote

Uh, you should probably never take shrooms again.


3bag t1_it6nrrb wrote

NTA and you could've been right, she might have.

I think you had a bad time and you'll both get over it.

"but we have talked since and she doesn't resent me for what happened... we both agreed we needed a break until the next trip and there are things in our life we need to change and improve first..."

Absolutely. It sounds like you need to be kind to yourself and each other. Yeah ans as someone else said, stay away from whoever you got them from because that aint right.

Hope you are both ok. try to give each other lots of hugs. Snuggle under a blanket with hot chocolate, you need to comforting.


Mabosaha t1_it6visu wrote

Its good to leave yourself a (short) loving, positive message that also states that you’re just tripping, ride it out.

Might sound strange perhaps to some people. But in my case, it really helps to get some grasp on what the heck is happening while deep in the trip :) make sure its positive! And big letters so you can read it haha


MonkeyVicki t1_it85x8h wrote

It’s been many years since Fun Drugs and I parted ways. I got to “how the fuck I speak Spanish” and 😂😂😂 omg my old friends…never change…

Like…I’m sure it was awful at the time, but fortunately no real harm done.


Successful-Guava7123 t1_it862fp wrote

this happened to me!!! i was with my bf and i was stuck in a loop. i kept asking him the same questions over and over… ur my husband?, where am i?, we smoke weed? we do drugs? that last question i couldn’t believe! but it was more of a curious not scary moment. my bf was able to record it. and yea i had no idea who i was same as you. it was actually my favorite trip though i felt more curious and overwhelmed but not scared.


chameleonmegaman t1_it8aq6l wrote

ah.... memory/thought loops. they can get scary though. i felt like i was stuck in an actual loop, re-enacting the same moments over and over again for all eternity. i was panicking for a while until i started coming down. it was probably half an hour, but it felt like hours


Successful-Guava7123 t1_it8dmyj wrote

yeeeasss i swear there’s a name for it! i was trying so hard not to get scared because that would be so bad 🤣


chameleonmegaman t1_it8jecn wrote

the best way is to have something that will help calm you down in a moment of panic. it can be an object, or a note, or a comforting song. it's like having a "totem" from the movie Inception. something that is a reminder that you're fine, you're just tripping, and it will be temporary.

but you have to be aware of the fact that you're starting to feel anxious and turn to your "totem". it has to be second nature, so you can calm yourself down before you spiral.


Successful-Guava7123 t1_it8l40h wrote

personally i don’t think a totem would help me. i deal with psychiatric disorders so it’s already a recipe for disaster. the brain is really powerful i think being mindful is the most important part of goomies letting emotions pass (prevents spiraling). honestly being on them is so freeing i feel like it’s a lot easier than dealing with my real life problems.

i’m lucky all my trips have been with someone i trust so i’ve mainly had good trips. i’ve only had one bad trip but it was destined. i fought w bf and tripped out of spite. like someone said on here i was curled up crying in my bed 🤣and kept wishing my bf was there. did you have a lot of bad experiences?


DwarfNBoots t1_it8jvss wrote

Okay, a couple things:

  1. You're right to listen to your body, it's obvious this trip brought up a lot for you and was traumatic. Make sure you wait 4-6 months after this trip before you trip again and I would encourage you to maybe try another LSD if you're seeking longer effects and a larger chance of a good trip (because of the chemicals that respond to LSD).

  2. Your shrooms have been laced. There is no reason unless you are tripping multiple times a week that that dosage should have caused you to black out on your own. Psychedelics always run the risk of increasing psychosis, however given you've done them (specifically this type of psychedelic) multiple times before in higher concentration. People are actually dumb if they think this is a normal experience or an experience that is to be expected. DO NOT RETURN TO THAT DEALER.

  3. Don't blame yourself. You were in a psychotic episode, but you had genuine concerns for her life, and when doing drugs it's so much better to me the guy who makes people throw up to be safe than risk someone ODing.

  4. The people who think "common sense" is being a shitty person who judges others for how they approach their health and tripping. Ya, actually that's just you're shitty little opinion and maybe don't act like you can be on your high horse, you're on the internet. You don't know the whole story and you never will.


coldhardcorndog t1_ita4agz wrote

Nothing wrong with believing in things. You do you. As long as you ain't hurt nobody else, I love you human to human.


noahB53 t1_it69qxb wrote

Whatever you took was laced or you have an undiagnosed mental disorder, I’d probably just take a long break from psychedelics.


rabobar t1_it7xyrs wrote

mushrooms and working out - how does that work?


blackcatonacid OP t1_it8vgs5 wrote

You will be surprised how pleasant experience it can be with low doses or to ease the come up in medium doses.. didn't try it myself but on high doses it is indeed sounds impossible or really unpleasant


WONDERLESS169 t1_it83dez wrote

Imma stick to the weak psychotropics like weed...


HimiJendrix9 t1_it8gb9l wrote

You can take it as a sign to quit if you want but I’m going to go ahead and say they were really potent and you were not ready to take them. Kind of like driving a car really fast thinking you’ve done this 1000 times before and you’ll be okay. If you do it all the time you’re going to have a bad trip at some point.


Yousername_relevance t1_it8hgjk wrote

>I'm thinking to myself that's it , you really done this time , you fucked up , you fucked up so bad , there isn't way back from this , this girls death is going to be on you , you will never see your family or daylight again , you fucked up , the life you know are over , you have to do something to fix it , if you're going to let this girl fall asleep she won't wake up.

Yeah it's the irrational thoughts like these that come up during hard trips that I wasn't expecting. I was convinced that my boss knew I was having a bad trip (on the weekend, 5 hours away and no contact), that I could see the future, that I was gonna marry this girl I just met. All things that seem really stupid after the fact. They're based on reality just enough to seem convincing and of course your altered mind accepts them. It can be scary.


lutzskater t1_it8orod wrote

Shrooms will hit differently every time my guy. Even if it's the same strain from the same batch you grew yourself. There are so many environmental factors that also come into play while on psychedelics and the vibe can change from great to very, very dark in seconds. And to be honest, 3 grams is actually a fairly strong dose. I know you mentioned you've done 6gs before, but 1.7 -2 grams is more so "common" dose I guess you could say. Lots of people will start with only 1g or less.

I've also done heroic doses of shrooms and acid and been fine, but I've also lost my mind on just a couple grams more than once as well. Glad to hear that it seems like you guys at least learned something from it. Safe journeys to both of you!


danvsmondays t1_it8raj2 wrote

When you get the message hang up the phone, as they say


Kepler666 t1_itab02r wrote

Thank you for sharing. I tripped on lsd many times, but one day things went really bad. I’ve only had one bad trip my last trip I haven’t done lsd ever since. I’ve micro dose with mushrooms but nothing crazy. I feel your pain bad trips are incredibly scary too me like 3 months to get back to normal. Take a break sir.


Maximum-Friendship79 t1_iu6ua95 wrote

But... when you puke is not a common thing when you use this? I think is not something bad. Sometimes it's normal to puke when you eat shroms


SimplyKendra t1_it6dec7 wrote

Dear god man lol

I have had friends have some absolutely awful experiences with shrooms just like this. The girl involved was a best friend I knew since age 4, and she tells me she remembered absolutely none of it. I believe her. It was awful.


duckroll420 t1_it6yx3n wrote

That sounds traumatising, but hopefully you can both laugh about it soon.


gamehawk0704 t1_it836vr wrote

Dude stop taking shrooms.

If you need something just do pot.


verschollen420 t1_it7ao8t wrote

Stop doing drugs. That's it. If you do not plan on taking drugs for your entire life and becoming a heroin junkie, at one point you just have to call it quits on all the "bliss" drugs bring you.


DiZ25 t1_it7zurt wrote

"There are things in our life we need to change and improve"

Yeah, your consumption of anything that impairs your cognition.


Pufftmd t1_it6b6ll wrote

druggies gonna drug i guess


justanother_simp t1_it66pv2 wrote

NTA you cleaned the mushrooms. She should be more grateful


SakarPhone t1_it67dmi wrote

It only takes ONE time to destroy your life. Ever watch the TV series Rectified? A teenager may or may not have murdered a girl while they were tripping on shrooms, but she was murdered nonetheless, and he can't remember what happened.

The Bible says to keep your mind sober because the devil is as a roaring lion looking for people to devour.

If you get away with doing drugs 1,000 times, and on the 1,001 time you end up destroying your life, or even worse, are you going to say, "Well, it's only like .1% of the time that something horrible happens, so it was well worth it"? No, your life will be destroyed, and all the fun you had on drugs past will not be there to rescue you, or offer you any consolation whatsoever.


coldhardcorndog t1_it7st2z wrote

Doesn't one form of the bible also condone the stoning of, what I consider to be, innocent people? Maybe we shouldn't cite fiction books?


SakarPhone t1_it7t1he wrote

Preface: I do get where you are coming from. I have wrestled with these exact questions at some point in my walk with God. End preface.


What scripture exactly are you referring to? The stoning of the man for gathering sticks on the Sabbath, after he was instructed by God to not do so? I wouldn't consider blatant disregard for God's laws as innocent.

Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. Psalms 115:3


The Bible says that you break one law, you are guilty of breaking them all. Disobedience is disobedience.

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. James 2:10


Lucky for us, we also have Galatians 1:4

Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.


Also, God may have used that man as an example. Think about it, there was not any law in the land up until that era. Laws from God were essentially brand new to these people.

Imagine you have thousands of soldiers under your command, soldiers that are not accustomed to being told what to do, and you put out some rules to follow, and immediately afterwards someone blatantly and publicly breaks a very, very clear rule. You have to lower the boom on him, and he would not be innocent.

Plus, we have no idea what was going on in that man's heart, what he said to justify his blatant disregard for God's law. Also, God may have even knew that that guy was going to do that before he even did it - He may have been planning it out long before time even came into existence (Romans 9:18-23)


Creating an idea of who God should be is called idolatry. It's creating a false image of God in our minds. God is who He is, not who we think He should be, and that's that, because God is not going to change. He is who He is. I am just glad that we have a loving God who practices and delights in loving kindness, righteousness, and justice (Jeremiah 9:24). This doesn't mean that He should not also be greatly feared. God is love, yes, but He is also the all powerful creator of everything you have or will ever experience - including yourself.


Radiodaize t1_it6cu3e wrote

It's not bad enough drugs are physically and psychologically destructive, but the Bible says they are the Devil. Nail in the coffin.