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KittikatB t1_it5w9oj wrote

You have no need to feel remorse or shame for sharing that with your teacher. One of the reasons teachers are mandated reporters is because students will often trust them with things too big to deal with on their own. It's not inappropriate to talk to them about something terrible that happened to you. You did the right thing to speak up to someone you trust, and they have done the right thing by reporting it so that the authorities can make sure that you are safe and have the resources you need to work through this.

I experienced sexual assault as a child and I wish I'd been as brave as you were in speaking up. I kept quiet, and I regret it. You have ruined nothing with this teacher, who clearly means a lot to you. I have no doubt that she is pleased you felt you could trust her enough to tell her what was going on with you.


[deleted] OP t1_it5wm7m wrote



KittikatB t1_it5y3fc wrote

Nobody wants to make that report. Especially when it's about someone you care about. We all want to think the people in our lives are safe and happy and nobody is hurting them. Having to confront the fact that it's not true and report that is hard, but it's the right thing to do. She will only have wished she didn't have to make that report because she wishes that you never had to experience that assault. She sounds like a great person and I'm glad you've got her in your life.