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SweetCosmicPope t1_it8j7ms wrote

I have a kid about your age, and reading this made me start tearing up at work.

NEVER feel like you've done something wrong or burdened somebody by telling them something like this. If you have a teacher or friend or counselor that you can report these kind of things to, that you can trust, never feel like you've done anything wrong.

If you were my son, or one of his friends, and felt like you could come to me and tell me this I would do the exact same thing as your teacher (legal requirements or no) and absolutely reinforce that you did the right thing by trusting me with this information.

It's not wrong. You've done nothing wrong. There was no mistake.

I hope you are coping well with everything, and I'm glad to hear that your teacher responded letting you know that you did the right thing and would love for you to keep visiting.


Keepmessingupp t1_it94dvm wrote

I’m sorry i’m only just now seeing this but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.