Submitted by Deadpan_1 t3_ya0hd8 in tifu

I didn’t realise that it was possible to create a hidden folder until about a week ago and up until this point i had never been bothered to try and figure out how to do it. But today i decided to try figure it out as i’ve seen a lot of people talking about it and got curious. I wish i hadn’t. For some added context, i’m 18(f) and i have an older brother 22(m) who was kind enough to give me his old phone as he decided to get the iphone 14. I now have his old iphone 13 (yes i’m giving him money for it). Anyway, i spent ages trying to figure out how to find the hidden folder and i’m honestly embarrassed at how long it took. I moved a random picture into it as i was unsure if it even existed without pictures in there. So eventually i find this folder and it’s locked so i try using face ID to unlock it, doesn’t work. Instead i have to put in my password which isn’t a big deal and i do so. What i was met with has traumatised me and i’m gonna need therapy or something. I won’t go into detail about what was in there, and honestly i don’t fully know as i’ve never swiped off of something so quickly in my life. My brother did a full reset on the phone before he gave it to me so i don’t understand why the contents of the folder weren’t also wiped along with everything else. I’m disappointed in what is very clearly an oversight on apples part and i hope they realise this is an issue before any other younger siblings are traumatised too. My day is ruined. And so is the relatively pristine impression i once had of my SIL.

TLDR:It doesn’t delete the hidden folder when you reset your phone. Do it manually or risk traumatising your old phones new owner.



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SuperSyrias t1_it8nqzh wrote

what does inappropriate mean here?

are we talking "sexy pics nobody but SIL and Brother were to ever see" or full on "family dog AND underage neighbour are in on the fun at the same time"?

because as long as nothing truly actually awful is on there, i dont think private pics on a private device is something to get bent out of shape over.


Struggle2Real t1_it8qz12 wrote

>"family dog AND underage neighbour are in on the fun at the same time"

That was just the opening credits.

Who knew that sunflower seeds and super glue were turnons....


Digitus___Impudicus t1_it8hzqy wrote

We are all human and do human things that humans enjoy.

Don't be harsh on someone for being in a loving relationship. I hope you can see your way past that viewpoint of her.