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minitaba t1_ita9j4c wrote

you paid him money? Does he know your family or what?


EpicKi1 OP t1_ita9my9 wrote

No. He went through my followers on instagram and added them to a group chat


minitaba t1_itaa6ih wrote

You shared your instagram with him?? Look, best scenario: he stops now and its over. Worst, he never stops. You dont have much options. Prsonally I would just say: block him now everywhere, forget about it and hope its fine. He wants your money,not to destroy your life. He might stop if he cant contact you anymore. Even if you pay more you will never be safe now, so just block him


13AccentVA t1_itafdn8 wrote

Say "Hey guys! Wanna see my dick?" in the chat.

Seriously though, this is just the new form of an old scam. You shouldn't have paid the first time, and shouldn't pay anything more.

They may or may not release it, but around 50% of us have a penis, it's nothing special. It'll be embarrassing for a few weeks, you'll get poked fun of for a while longer and everyone will move on.


fairy444angel t1_itahtye wrote

if he does send it to a group chat u can just tell everyone that it is not actually ur junk lol. just tell them that u have a crazy ex or a hater that is trying to ruin ur life. just make it clear that its not actually ur dick and that they need to block and report the dudes instagram. just stop sending him money and use that excuse ^


EpicKi1 OP t1_ita9nsc wrote

Yes I sent him money


Aiden_Does_Reddit t1_itam2x3 wrote

Knowing that you fell for this scam, "Would you like to talk about your cars extended warranty??


TheIncarnated t1_itamti5 wrote

No, no. "I have a product to sell you, And I swear it's not an MLM, you just have to get all your friends to buy into it. I promise you'll make all your money back."