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AleGolem t1_iteu9z1 wrote

A Perfect Circle was a great band but they've released 3 albums in the last 20 years. It's not really a surprise that their site traffic is dead.


RhinoG91 t1_itexvll wrote

So is this a today thing or like a long-term thing…



Bryanole27 t1_iteuikm wrote

A Perfect Circle is amazing. You aren’t alone friend. I love anything MJK.


-Rosetta_Stoned- t1_iti7ear wrote

Being “weird” just means you’re different than the majority of boring average people. You don’t fit in with the masses and that’s a good thing overall. Yes, it can def feel alienating at times. I know how it is to be more of an introvert, yet still feel lonely, misunderstood, n unable to form deep connections. Imagine being content to just follow all the other sheep tho. Yuck!

Try to focus on the quality of a select few interpersonal relationships rather than to be accepted by all. Also, maybe it has to do with the area of the world you live in? For example, I’m a native Californian near LA. I feel as if I don’t fit in lots of places in the US because of how idgaf my views are. Out here it’s cool to be laid back, with some rather obscure interests. A visually interesting wardrobe is a must. Toned down is not in my vocab, but that’s ok. I fit in here precisely because of my idiosyncrasies.

The key is to work on your self confidence and be positive about who you are n what you like. People gravitate toward those who love themselves 💓🤓


ZamieltheHunter t1_itjnogb wrote

Not what you're asking exactly but what you're describing reminds me of how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria makes me feel. I have ADHD and this feeling is a big barrier to my happiness. If you can afford to, it might improve your quality of life to get into mental health treatment. My life changed for the better with treatment, and while that feeling isn't gone, it is less prevalent.


Booskop89 t1_itm0sqn wrote

People here saying stuff like: "You do you," or: "be glad you're not a dime a dozen" but they seem to glance over one important thing.

From reading your TIFU I can tell you're still at a young age, yet you're feeling lonely. That's something you need to address. You should go out of your way to find people in your area that have similar interests than you. And there are. Plenty of "weirdo's" out there. If you really can't find anyone in your area, find online friends that share some interests with you.

It's not healthy to feel lonely. Go out of your way to find someone, whether it's a group of people or just a single person, that you can interact with about things you both like.

Good luck on your journey. And never forget it's not bad to be a "weirdo," it's worse to deny yourself. Embrace your oddities, weird habits and unusual preferences! "Being yourself" is something very little people dare to do, even though being the real you is the best you can be.

I hope you'll find someone to share your hobbies/interests with!


peepeehamn t1_itfcqan wrote

Check out the movie The Fountain, directed by Darren Aronofsky. I think you might appreciate it. Just trust me.


outlaw61288 t1_itinepn wrote

A Perfect Circle kicks ass. I love Eat the Elephant.


brova t1_itn4lfw wrote

I'm sorry you're lonely, but this sub isn't meant for teenagers complaining about their raging hormones and adjustment problems. How do the mods allow low effort garbo posts like this?