Submitted by Zealousideal_Ice_480 t3_yb6ogi in tifu

it started a few months ago when i first became friends with my ex's best friend, we started to hang out alot and one time we were at the mall and i asked him if he wanted to sleep over at my place, he said "sure", when we got there we were just hanging out playing card games, board games, talking yk. later in the evening i asked him if i could hug him because at that point i hadnt yet and i wanted to know what it was like, and i hugged him and we went back to talking, playing games. we were talking, i was sitting cross legged and he was laying down beside me, and he reaches his arms out, im very confused because he didnt seem like he enjoyed physical contact very much. he then grabbed me to cuddle with me, im shocked but i had a little crush on him so i let it happen, after awhile of switching positions and whatnot he asks me if i want to kiss him, i was stunned and i didnt say yes but i didnt say no, he started to kiss me and i stopped him after a moment and said it felt odd to me, then we went back to cuddling. we continued to chat and stuff and when we both decided to sleep we cuddled through the night. the next day was somewhat awkward and when he left he texted me saying "last night was just between us right?" i responded saying "yes, ofc" we hung out a few more times before school started again and we sorta drifted apart. i also got back together with my boyfriend at that point. 3ish months have passed since i last hung out with the dude and i broke up with my boyfriend again for good, i asked him if he wanted to hangout again sometime, he said "yeah sure" and we hung out at his place, it was really awkward and we just watched tv together, when i left i had said "it was nice hanging out again, ive missed you" with a smile, he said it back but very blankly and hesitantly, at the point almost everyone i knew was like "he wouldnt cuddle with you and crap if he didnt like you". a few days later he asked me for condoms then once i said yeah sure ill bring some for you, he said "ty love you" and i was out with frends i told them and then they dared me to ask him to marry me, as an obvious joke. i did it, but he didnt take it as a joke, he responded with "wtf no, im not fucking into you". i know when to take a hint so i stopped talking to him.

tl;dr: i thought my crush liked me, in reality he doesnt even want a friendship with me



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SethMalcolm1 t1_itg7ejw wrote

Maybe he liked you back when that happened, but 3 months is more then enough time for someone to decided differently.


SegFaultX t1_itgej6k wrote

I think it was more so that you aren't even dating or anything and you just asked him to marry you out of the blue, so he thought you were one of those crazy stalker girls.


Zealousideal_Ice_480 OP t1_iths0pj wrote

true but im 14, so too young for marriage or a proposal to mean anything, its always jokes yk?


Hpezlin t1_itf6pdc wrote

On the bright side, now it's clear. I wouldn't really say it's a total tifu.


limasigurddavid t1_itu3t57 wrote

You doesnt seem to be very honest with the what you want


NyteQuiller t1_iu8xpj1 wrote

You really gotta use some punctuation man.


Loogabaroogian t1_iuhjpgw wrote

You're 14 and you had a guy stay the night?