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Ocean_Spice t1_itogzt0 wrote

>I was no stranger to mice

But you don’t know what a mouse looks like, apparently?


Wilson-theVolleyball t1_itoleyp wrote

Eh I mean at a glance, especially in the heat of the moment, they do look pretty similar (both small rodent creatures).


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_itorwml wrote

OP described a prolonged encounter, complete with eye contact.


Wilson-theVolleyball t1_itoz957 wrote

Maybe he just thought it was a different kind of mouse especially since he didn’t know there were gerbils in the house? Like if someone doesn’t have a mouse side by side to compare, I can understand mistaking a gerbil for a mouse.

I dunno. Maybe the story is made up, maybe it’s not.


pax_penguina t1_itql8mh wrote

Hi, former gerbil owner here. I’d say most gerbils can’t pass for the average mouse on a good day, but if you don’t really know what you’re looking at it’s easy to be confused. Plus some country mice do have slightly varied coloration that makes it not un-possible to confuse the two species.

Honestly though, gerbils don’t usually give a fuck. Mice are usually pretty skittish. I can totally imagine a domesticated gerbil coming up to a human and going “Hey.”


dead_PROcrastinator t1_itpkcxd wrote

Bingo. Big difference between the two.


Jak_n_Dax t1_itr536b wrote

I just googled them. If I saw that in my house I would absolutely assume it was a field mouse.


Vegan-Nugz t1_itrw4z9 wrote

Same here. I would have absolutely confused that for a mouse.


Figgy20000 t1_itza5rz wrote

Apparently you don't know what they look like either. Gerbils from a distance basically look identical to mice.


Ocean_Spice t1_itzj524 wrote

Well, no. They don’t. But either way I’m not the one over here feeding gerbils to cats. (Adding, they’re also clearly not at a distance anyway if they were coming up to OP, so. Not sure how that’s even relevant.)


TheBlueFalling t1_itskxer wrote

They look VERY similar to field and house mice honestly. Other than ear size and the tail there is little difference.