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TheRampantWhale t1_ituekxq wrote

tbf i wouldnt listen to my parents either if they're abusive narcissist assholes, even if they are technically right about the schoolwork situation. hope you get out as soon as possible OP, the way they treat you is not okay.


RissoldeChocolate t1_iturvj4 wrote

Whats part of wanting your kid to succeed at school and not tolerating him to call his mom a "bitch" makes them narcisistic parents??😂😂 How should op's parents treat him then??

OP: "Yo, bitch, bring me a sandwitch while I'm playing fortnite!"

OP's Mom: "Yes master, after the sandwich I will make your homework for you, sorry for disturbing you play session..."

I mean is this good parenting? Because if you think they are abusive and narcisistic, then is this the right way they should act?

"Hope you get out as soon as possible"- You talk as if he was in prision, they just didnt let him go this time cuz he has duties. How cringe are you kids on reddit, making OP think he is right for not doing homework and disrespecting his parents. Maybe in a few years you will understand and agree with my original comment.


TheRampantWhale t1_itutf3b wrote

If you think it's okay to hit your kid with a belt, or anything else, you're dumb as fuck. Violence is not a good parenting method and numerous studies can back this up.

Also, there is a lot of middle ground between letting your kid walk all over you and HITTING THEM WITH A FUCKING BELT. Read the post again, the kid is terrified of their own dad. No-one should have to live in fear of their own parents.

So call me cringe all you want, you're advocating child abuse.

P.S. - Please never reproduce.


icecubeinanicecube t1_itutnbi wrote

I find it sad that there is no in-between for you between being completely okay with a disrespectful kid and full-on physical assault as a reaction to it.

Yes, OP did obviously act wrong, however the reaction of the parents was even more wrong. Imo this family needs therapy, but in the US this is just not a realistic outcome.


RissoldeChocolate t1_itux7zn wrote

But WHEN DID I SAY I SUPORTED HITTING YOUr KID?!?! go read my original comment, literally the first sentence I wrote was "I dont support spanking your kid". I never in this whole discussion said I condoned hitting your kids, I just said that punishment like not letting him go out was totally fair since he didnt do his school work before.


dbigfool t1_itv4bn1 wrote

This guys are so pitty omg. OBVIOUSLY, not with a fucking belt, that's too much but a slap? If u think that a good slap don't teach nothing to kids you have to talk to people and ask, most of the people I KNOW that are respectful individuals have got slapped. In the other hand you have this new kids that parents let them do everything they want, and they're just stupid ass kids, that in the right time have not got slaped. (A SLAP, NOT SPANKING). Eventually, you learn that you can't do some things and you grow up, and your parents grow up too and start understanding it's just words needed, because they know you will understand. It's normal that OP's parents didn't let him go out. That happened to me few times, I got mad too, it's life. Your mom acted the right way, she made you stay home as punishment, and she heard "bitch" and didn't react. Your dad, yhea he should not beated you. For it's in the moment, if your mom slaped you when you said it, it was okay for me. After the situation happened, he just had the right to talk with you.

(Sorry for the bad grammar. I hope one day I'll be able to teach all I want to my kids, with words, but I don't judge the parents that need and eventually slap they're kids( u can't say it does not work.) Spanking just create revolted kids.