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onefootback OP t1_iturzam wrote

i’ve tried cardio but i don’t think i have much potential in terms of strength


XBOXUSER101 t1_iu2mubc wrote

Nothings more satisfying to me then a entitled parent getting their ass beat when theyre usually give the ass beatings


Far_Software7936 t1_iu76a1x wrote

When I was a kid, My parents hit me a bit (I never deserved any of it) and I tried to kick my dad in the nuts and run away when he hit me once… the neighbors garage was not a good hiding spot


Kozeyekan_ t1_iu4ty60 wrote

Maybe pick up a jiu jitsu class or something. Even if you never raise a hand in anger, knowing how to deal with that "Oh shit" moment without freezing or panicking will help.

The thing is, you deserve better.

Parents don't have it all figured out. We're all flawed, and even if we mean well, it can sometimes go awry.

But beating your 16 year old daughter with a belt teaches nothing but how to lie and try to avoid a beating in the future, and it shows the parent doesn't have the communication skills to reach the child. And that can happen, communication is a skill like anything else.

But a parent needs to prepare their child for life, and life won't let you beat someone for disagreeing with you. Unfortunately, it also won't go to much effort to help you if you are being beaten by someone close to you. Maybe they'd be OK with a future boyfriend or spouse beating you, but they shouldn't be.

But most of all, tell them what this teaches you. Being belt-whipped at your age is just pain conditioning. It's the simplest form of behavior correction, but also the most harmful and ultimately least likely to succeed, because eventually the child grows up and gets to decide on whether the person who beat them is a net positive or negative in their life.

Beating a kid is the easiest way to condition a child because it takes the least amount of effort from the parent. It's simpler than using reason, empathy and logic.