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xEvilMunkyx t1_iu8ande wrote

What is it with dudes pissing in random places when blackout drunk? I have two friends with this problem and they're half brothers. I was roommates with both of them at one time or another.

The younger one woke up one night and decided to take a piss down the stairs. I was still awake and all the sudden heard a tinkling on the other side of the wall. I was going to go out and yell at him, but ended up deciding against it. He didn't know where he was so he took a step forward and promptly fell down the stairs. He was ok but bruised up pretty bad, I figured that was punishment enough.

The older one, in a different apartment, twice tried to piss all over my entertainment center while blackout drunk. The first time no one was awake to stop him. I got a call at work the next morning: "Hey, your PS3 won't turn on and it's got a flashing yellow (I think?) light. We're literally draining water out of it into the sink." Oddly enough the PS3 survived and I used it for several years after that (still have it tucked away in a box somewhere). The second time, he had passed out early. All the sudden he stands up and walks straight to the entertainment center and starts making the motions. We all yell at him, turn him around, and escort him to the bathroom.

I feel like the older one had an excuse, he was deployed in Afghanistan for some time, so I can understand getting into a habit of waking up and pissing wherever in the desert. But the younger one idolized his brother so much I think he started taking on some of his worse traits, this one being the worst.


BenfoSherman t1_iu9qj9l wrote

I have a friend that isn't allowed to sleep in anyones home because of this. We put him outback . He does it every fucking time. The last victim was my chair.