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Prinz_ t1_iugb03d wrote

Remind him of that? OP isn't in the right. I'd argue that making light of someone's shitty family situation is a lot worse than someone talking shit about someone's comparatively better family situation.

Apologies don't come with "well you started it!"


Plainstation4now t1_iugbo46 wrote

I don’t know for fact what was said, nor the specific context of their relationship and their conversation, but if your family has problems, maybe don’t bring up problems in someone else’s family.

That’s all. It’s a general statement.


eternal-harvest t1_iugbalq wrote

Yeah, it sounds like the first comment was teasing/lighthearted and then OP went straight for the jugular.


Plainstation4now t1_iugbtys wrote

Yeah maybe, and honestly it is a rude way to respond. Should always think before speaking, generally.


Filteryourmoment t1_iuh2ff1 wrote

Having a shittier home life than your friends doesn't give you a green light to talk about their families? Maybe her "friend" should have kept his mouth shut if he gonna throw a hissy fit over a comment like "you can't be talkin"...