Submitted by Whole-Mulberry7 t3_yi0kl4 in tifu

Earlier today, my mom told me to do the dishes while she and my sister went to go run some errands. I was incredibly tired but didn't really have a choice in the matter and decided to suck it up and do them. Incredibly early on I noticed water wasn't draining properly and that the sink started to become full to the point of overflowing. For a while I tried to manually drain the sink but soon realized there had to be something stuck in the drainage pipes so I went down and tried shaking the pipe a little. No luck. At this point in time I had been trying to drain the sink for about 20 minutes and became incredibly frustrated and decided to kick the pipe. Absolutely horrible thinking on my part. Water gushed out of the pipe all over my clothes and the floors. I was soaked with dirty dish water from the waist down and now had even more chores to do than initially. TL;DR I kicked my drainage pipe and got the whole place wet by account today.



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BlueLightAlarm t1_iugttzg wrote

What kind of idiot kicks a sink drainage pipe?!


IamGhostman t1_iuguou2 wrote

This post was probably meant to get some laughs or a little support. No need to be D-Bags.. why yall gotta be internet tools?. Reddit is so ruthless sometimes.


EstablishmentExtra32 t1_iugwr9u wrote

Please invest in a plunger specifically designated for the kitchen sink (as opposed to borrowing the toilet plunger 🤮). P-traps are generally a piece of cake to clear out. YouTube has zillions of tutorials to walk you through the steps. Be nice to your plumbing and it will be nice to you.


single_malt_jedi t1_iuh3wgo wrote

I know this sounds weird....but try a plunger next time. Ive busted up clogs in my sink drains with a plunger before. Matter of fact, they make miniature ones that fit perfectly over a sink drain.


ErasedEyes1999 t1_iuhser3 wrote

Tbh in a cloudy frustrated mind, I'd probably also kick the pipe


pattyG80 t1_iuhso4v wrote

If you sonehow don't have a plunger, doing some hand CPR over the drain can help a bit.

Even an empty 2 liter coke bottle can work as a plunger.

Kicking plastic pipes never helps.


Whole-Mulberry7 OP t1_iuhturj wrote

I actually did try a plunger.... It’s something my mom uses a lot when the sink gets clogged and we have one specifically for the sink. I just didn’t mention it because I thought people might find it strange haha 🥲


Whole-Mulberry7 OP t1_iuhv0jf wrote

My non medicated brain works incredibly similar to a drunk person. I usually don’t make mistakes like that no iron supplements + anxiety meds for a day really does stuff to a person ig


Vertebrae_Viking t1_iuhw5t9 wrote

Some bitchass customer kicked the drain pipe for the pissoir at my workplace this week.. Thank fucking god I was not at work that day.


Careful-Self-457 t1_iui0mq5 wrote

Looks like you have a trip to the hardware store ahead of you. Good thing sink drains are easy to fix. And relatively cheap.


LilZuse t1_iui1xlc wrote

Plungers work on sinks too.


SquishySpark t1_iui2fo9 wrote

Is it a sink plunger or a toilet plunger? Toilet plungers usually have a flange that sticks out the bottom and fits into the drainage area of the bowl. Sink plungers are flat on the bottom to get suction.

Also, never use a plunger on a sink with a garbage disposal. I learned that one the hard way.


monadyne t1_iuic9fb wrote

I hope the "anxiety meds" you take aren't from the benzodiazepine family (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, etc.) If they are, they are only intended for short-term usage, i.e., two weeks or less. If taken consistently, day in day out, for longer than that, even if you're taking a small amount and it's prescribed by a doctor, you can develop a dangerous dependency.

If that is the type of medication you're taking, I'm the author of The Benzo Book, and in it there's information that can help you sort this out. It's available online, but if yo can't afford to buy a hard copy, you can download a free copy at thebenzobook dot com.


RetiredPudgyWalsh t1_iuishpq wrote

Oh shit!

Amazingly enough, I have a similar story and it happened many years ago on Halloween!

I got something out from under the sink in my sister's house and grabbed the drain pipe for some leverage and the entire set of pipes broke off!

So I had to go to the hardware store and buy new plastic and cement and everything and there I am, repiping the drains while trick or treaters are coming to the door!

Good luck!


Whole-Mulberry7 OP t1_iuj2w76 wrote

I checked and they aren’t, I take fluoxetine (Prozac) for long term uses. Thank you for informing me on the subject though! I’ll check out the book for more information about different medications. Thanks again^^


TheLittleNorsk t1_iuj5jnu wrote

I read the title as “drinking my son’s drainage pipe”

Never again


realahcrew t1_iuj5oyi wrote

Careful not to plunge too hard though, because it could compromise the gasket seals in the connections of the pipes and you’ll just be stuck in this mess again lol

Source: I learned the hard way


MyNameIsRay t1_iuj71e5 wrote

The lesson I learned the hard way was to cover the overflow hole with your thumb before plunging the bathroom sink.

Otherwise, you might spray that nasty stuff out of the overflow and all over your toothbrush.


T4N60SUKK4 t1_iuj9bre wrote

This literally happened to me yesterday. Went to Walmart, bought the cheapest plunger they had ($1.50), and plunged the sink. Instant fix.


bumfromthefuture t1_iuje9n2 wrote

there is a saying here in chile, el flojo trabaja doble which roughly translates to the lazy work twice!


hoppyzicehog t1_iujepbx wrote

Cleaning the P trap is easy and can help.


dj3hac t1_iujlb62 wrote

Those are absolute trash, they split at the seam when used. We bought a bunch for the maintenance shop (residential maintenance) and every one of them broke during use. Honestly for a sink a classic rubber plunger with a wooden handle is perfect, cut the handle if you need it shorter.