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Butthole__Pleasures t1_iuqi22b wrote

That boy is gay as the day is long, buddy. How many times did you two make out over the months? And yeah you didn't have full-on sex, but what did you do with him? You should call his ass out in front of everyone. In detail. Fuck that guy. He deserves to get burned like that.


Economy_Leek123 OP t1_iuqi6tw wrote

The other comments have been advising against it though. If he is gay; being outed isn’t exactly the best thing. I still love the guy and everything, I know I should be angry and want him dead, but if he’s gay and is projecting his self hatred onto me; he’ll eventually learn to hate himself instead. The main thing I’m actually mad about is the necklace now.


dekiruzooo t1_iuqkvid wrote

Hey there, fellow gay here 👋🏳️‍🌈. I have fortunately not been wronged in such a disdainful way, but I do have some insight.

Honestly, getting into this guy's psyche, if you really want the necklace back, you will need to make it clear (publicly or otherwise) that if he keeps the necklace, then he obviously has feelings for you. You can even say something like, "I'm glad you're keeping the necklace, Skyler, because it proves this wasn't just an act. You really did have feelings for me and our relationship was real." If he keeps the necklace, he's outed himself whether he's ready to or not (and it's not your responsibility), and if he gives it back he has a way out (for now), and you get your rightful property back.

The worst homophobes in this world are pretty consistently gay themselves. Even entertaining the idea of the dare is proof in and of itself that he has homosexual thoughts. I really feel for you, buddy. Just know, it does get better (not in a straight line, mind you, but straight lines are boring af), and the community is here to support you along the way.

Good luck! ✊


Arches_of_light t1_iuqnmsb wrote

What I haven't seen anybody mention so far is the possibility that Skyler could have just refunded/sold the necklace. It's what I would do if I had an expensive piece of jewelry that wasn't very dear to me. It sucks to think about, but the guy is clearly a prick and I wouldn't be at all surprised.

And even if he hasn't done that, he could just lie about it. The obvious response to being called out this way would be "I sold it, lol".


Cookandcaughtup t1_iuqomqs wrote

You've been so mature and emphatic during this, it's really impressive to see. I hope you are doing a bit better and find the perfect guy soon!


Economy_Leek123 OP t1_iuqos4f wrote

Thank you, I dont know if I'll be ready to date anytime soon at all. But maybe in the future.


Cookandcaughtup t1_iuqoxz8 wrote

I'd be the exact same in your situation.

Honestly once your out of school so much changes, you can put all of that crap behind you and live your life freely.

Wishing you the best!


Domilater t1_iuqqlgs wrote

No offence, but he doesn’t deserve your courtesy. I’d understand if he gave back the necklace, at that point I’d just ignore him. But the fact he hasn’t is the kicker. Yeah, it’s a dick move to lie to someone like that, but it’s an even bigger dick move to take a gift that was worth a lot to them when you have nothing towards them what so ever.

You need to turn people against him if he’s not going to give the necklace back. Start simple. Ask for it. It’s the least he could do for that he’s done to you. If he refuses? That’s when you hurt his reputation. Let the whole school know just how much of a scumbag he is. If you can, get proof of it. Tell everyone he basically robbed you, as that gift isn’t meant for him anymore.

Don’t let him push you around over this. From the looks of it he has no intention of apologising. In his mind it was a joke.