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zayeron t1_iybig5r wrote

Holy shit 600 dollars for sex? Goddamn that was gonna be one expensive hookup. Here where I live they cost 60 dollars AT MOST with, allegedly, quite attractive ladies (not that I would know but so I've been told).

Putting that aside though, I'm pretty sure those$600 are lost by now my man. Unless you can somehow cancel the transaction (which I doubt because as you stated, this happened last night) I think there's no going back :(


MrBig562 t1_iybk70q wrote

A $600 hookup should look miles better than a $60 one lol

Lots of fashion models (real ones) start at $600-$700 an hour. Some easily $2k


zayeron t1_iybkk7o wrote

Well you're in the US (let's assume that's the case, at least) I'm in Mexico. Things are quite different here and escorts or whatever most of the times have to settle for "low" prices but they make up for that by having a bunch of customers.

And yeah, some aren't pretty at all, but most of the ones I've been talked about by my coworkers (who did solicit their services) were quite attractive if I may say so myself. But either way, as we say here: para gustos colores. You do you, so to speak :)


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybikkx wrote

It would have been more if I went all the way through with the scam, but I stopped at $600


zayeron t1_iybiq0y wrote

Luckily you stopped there :/ but at least now you know not to trust that kind of online interactions


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybj05t wrote

The worst part is using crypto to pay for it. I knew I couldn’t cancel that transaction but I did it anyway.


zayeron t1_iybj9oa wrote

Actually, now that you pointed that out again I think it was for the best that you used crypto instead of actual money. Crypto is steadily losing value so either way if you didn't do anything with that money you'd end up having, you know, less overtime. So, as i see it, it wasn't THAT bad. Yes, 600 dollars are 600 dollars but it could've been worse 😅