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22_mano_22 t1_iybxe9g wrote

You gave $600 and you got f#cked, isn't that what you were looking for?


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iydk16e wrote

I didn’t get anything, the payment was before anything could happen, and I backed out of the final payment cause it was too much. I asked for my money back because it didn’t work out and they essentially ghosted me


zayeron t1_iybig5r wrote

Holy shit 600 dollars for sex? Goddamn that was gonna be one expensive hookup. Here where I live they cost 60 dollars AT MOST with, allegedly, quite attractive ladies (not that I would know but so I've been told).

Putting that aside though, I'm pretty sure those$600 are lost by now my man. Unless you can somehow cancel the transaction (which I doubt because as you stated, this happened last night) I think there's no going back :(


MrBig562 t1_iybk70q wrote

A $600 hookup should look miles better than a $60 one lol

Lots of fashion models (real ones) start at $600-$700 an hour. Some easily $2k


zayeron t1_iybkk7o wrote

Well you're in the US (let's assume that's the case, at least) I'm in Mexico. Things are quite different here and escorts or whatever most of the times have to settle for "low" prices but they make up for that by having a bunch of customers.

And yeah, some aren't pretty at all, but most of the ones I've been talked about by my coworkers (who did solicit their services) were quite attractive if I may say so myself. But either way, as we say here: para gustos colores. You do you, so to speak :)


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybikkx wrote

It would have been more if I went all the way through with the scam, but I stopped at $600


zayeron t1_iybiq0y wrote

Luckily you stopped there :/ but at least now you know not to trust that kind of online interactions


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybj05t wrote

The worst part is using crypto to pay for it. I knew I couldn’t cancel that transaction but I did it anyway.


zayeron t1_iybj9oa wrote

Actually, now that you pointed that out again I think it was for the best that you used crypto instead of actual money. Crypto is steadily losing value so either way if you didn't do anything with that money you'd end up having, you know, less overtime. So, as i see it, it wasn't THAT bad. Yes, 600 dollars are 600 dollars but it could've been worse 😅


Tikimanly t1_iybnbia wrote

Woah, $600 worth?

They really kept your attention long enough to get $538 in crypto from you?

That really sucks... Losing $412 would drive me crazy thinking of what I could have gotten...

At least you were able to limit your losses to $288.

The next time you desperately need entertainment, I'm sure you'll find a far better way to spend your $165.

Consider it a $97 life lesson.


oscurochu t1_iybjd7a wrote

Whether you paid a scammer or an escort, by the sounds of it, that $600 was money you were willing to part with, or you wouldn't have done it


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybjomn wrote

It was a matter of circumstance. It was 2:00am and I was kind of desperate. I had a small amount of hope but it was ultimately my demise.


potatobreadandcider t1_iybnbib wrote

JOBD jerk off before donating

Post nut clarity hits like a 20 ton truck sometimes but it's always worth it.


deco19 t1_iybjf6h wrote

Crypto was your first mistake. Now this. I hope you learn from never doing both again.


Lunchtime1959 t1_iyblzye wrote

If you send me $1000 and their contact details - I'll guarantee that I can get you $600 back


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybm89n wrote

this is like those trick math questions with two kids exchanging coins and one doesn’t know the value of money.


Harry_Gorilla t1_iybp8o2 wrote

Or that time I didn’t know how to pronounce Jose, and traded my friend what I thought was “Hose Canseco’s brother Jo-say’s rookie card.”


stylesuxx t1_iyccwmn wrote

Yeah, you are not getting that money back. WTF were you even thinking? For $600 you should be able to get some high class hooker in a half decent establishment, not some random internet hookup.

I suggest you file this under "lessons learned" and move on with your life.


ddmazza t1_iybijqt wrote

So sorry tjis happened to you but lesson learned and at least you know you'll never fall for this again. I'd look into ways to make some money as a way to get it back. Maybe handyman services or help people move


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybiq0g wrote

I definitely could use a part time job


ddmazza t1_iybj0j2 wrote

My daughters bf started picking up handyman jobs and is actually thinking of doing it full time. Not sure how he got started but there are a lot of jobs out there now. Everyone is hiring.


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybjjlr wrote

I don’t have my car this semester but I hope to have it 2nd semester. You’ve motivated me to find something to do.


jasonsparks19 t1_iybkfot wrote

Go to a massage parlor and pay cash next time. It would have been a lot cheaper.


50505B t1_iybkni5 wrote

I fell for an equally dumb scam when I was young. Playing poker at a casino, I was up like 2k. Got approached by someone at a higher table saying that they busted out, but could split the buy-in with me and I could play (half staked for the two of us). Of course I felt uncomfortable with this and said no (this was like twice the buy in I would be used to). But then he was like well, all I really need to get back into the game is like $500... Well, clearly that $500 was dumped immediately. Whether it was a gambling addict losing my money, or a scammer dumping my money to his friends at the table I'll never know... The only thing a know is there was zero chance I was getting anything back.


RushAggravating1045 OP t1_iybkwl9 wrote

oof. never give money to strangers in casinos. Noted…


50505B t1_iyblayk wrote

Yeeeppp. Quite dumb, and I can't believe I was that stupid thinking back. Was full of brain chemicals and whatnot because I was on a heater (gambling, am I right!?). Learned from it though, at least.


50505B t1_iyblz6s wrote

To note, the thing that really got me was the sense of control I got because they offered to give ME money to play at the higher stakes. Whether he figured I'd turn it down... To be able to turn it around and run his grift.. 🤷 To this day I think about the subtleties.

Basically, don't go in on anything where your partner isn't just straight up offering skills/work in a very upront manner.

Also, don't go to casinos in your early twenties!? 🤣🍻