Submitted by HonestSmoke6182 t3_z7484w in tifu

It started last week I failed the Technology test and some kid started making fun of me because I'm very good at it normally. So me and my neighbor Clint started making joke on him make fun of his head and stuff and then Clint started to brought in other students and I was to happy to care I was finally able to vent (and I tough it will never get out right. What a foul I was) I knew some people were talking about me and the boy we were making fun of was one of them. Here comes the problem. We started out random and then he pick Ashley. He said "Ashley should put what's in her lips inside her brain" and in the heat of the moment I responded she should put what she has in her butt in brain then we stopped. Today I learned Clint is a lonely traitor and said I said on Ashley to her best friend and now me only is in trouble

Yes we did apologize and she said face the person you have beef with isn't of being hypocrite.

Tl:Dr : I vented to the extreme and friend turn out to be a snitch



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fliguana t1_iy4mfbi wrote

"today I learned of karma"

Tomorrow you will learn if the golden rule.


HonestSmoke6182 OP t1_iy4mmon wrote

I never intended of going this way the golden rule?


qndel t1_iy5j514 wrote

It looks like you failed your English tests as well


AcrobaticSource3 t1_iy62dio wrote

I think I know why you failed the technology test


Ok_Rhubarb7652 t1_iy66xbe wrote

I was getting ready to google “technology test” before realizing this was a kid in school 🤦‍♀️😂


HonestSmoke6182 OP t1_iy6vkv8 wrote

I know, changing from PC from paper the day of the test is pretty crappy