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Valriss t1_ixslx1b wrote

I know I wasn't there, but just from sounds more like they were offended because they they were saying not to step on it out of respect and in their eyes you just pretty much went "Nah, it's fine to step on."

I mean I fully could be wrong, I don't know the entire conversation just your response, but that's just sorta how it reads.


danteheehaw t1_ixtsrpv wrote

Grew up in a church. Star of David was the equivalent of a pentagram. Drawing them might summon a Jew or someshit.


Wasn't a good church, but I just got a little chuckle from the idea of the church I grew up in having respect for the star of david.


mcnathan80 t1_ixuf6il wrote

It's OK to summon them, just don't let them lay any eggs/s


0deboy t1_ixujpaq wrote

That's grim. In one of the churches in my area there's even a chandelier that's shaped like a star of David.


danteheehaw t1_ixujv6m wrote

To he clear, this church had more than a few Aryan bibles floating around between members.


Valriss t1_ixusxoe wrote

Someone might want to tell them that the guy that's supposedly there to save their soul was a fucking undead Jew.


noahboi1917 OP t1_ixth8lj wrote

It's possible, but judging by their faces and body language I don't think that was the case. My bf thinks the same thing as me. Because I also mentioned to one of them that after I left the church I've started exploring other religions to learn about them. She didn't seem impressed and told me to "remember my roots", coz she knows I grew up Christian. Which is funny, because I'm Indian, so if we're talking about my roots, wouldn't the religion in question be Hinduism? (This is mostly a joke, I know what she meant)


Worshipper-N_73 t1_ixu72av wrote

It's most likely a thing of respect, Judaism and catholicism are heavily Christian centered they just probably felt like you were being disrespectful, to think a star of David is on par with a pentagram or pentacle is a little out of touch. I feel you because I had once lost my own faith and studied other religions but trying to be a know it all around generally close minded individuals will never go over well, understandably so.


noahboi1917 OP t1_ixurohc wrote

I get you, but I swear I wasn't trying to come off as a condescending know-it-all. I thought I was just sharing a fun fact.


Worshipper-N_73 t1_ixurvk6 wrote

Nah I believe it, but that's how people will see it, especially if they don't know much about their own religion which is usually the case sadly


noahboi1917 OP t1_ixus2tm wrote

Thank you! My own mother has been a Christian for like 40 years, but I know so much more about the bible than her. It's weird.


Telucien t1_ixvmd5j wrote

I bet it was the proof of David comment. No matter how you meant it, you did say (albeit indirectly) that there is no proof of much of their beliefs.

If they don't know you very well, it's pretty reasonable to think that you might be trying to start an argument.