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TremorX t1_ixehgaw wrote

There’s a saying; if there’s a Nazi at a table talking to 10 other people, you’ve got 11 Nazis.

I’m not saying you are, but the association and fact that nobody squashed this shit from the start makes any assumptions by your professor warranted.

We get you were in the crossfire here, but I’m just saying this is probably how your professor is going to approach things.


Keanu__Gaming__xD OP t1_ixei8u3 wrote

Good logic bro. Tbh I’d rather not be a Nazi so I will tell my prof I don’t condone this shit


TremorX t1_ixeiron wrote

There ya go. The point of that analogy isn’t to label everyone a nazi, it’s to make you realize that humoring them even a little keeps their ideology alive. The Nazi ain’t the problem, it’s that his ideology was allowed to spread, and to him there’s little difference between quiet objection and quiet acceptance.


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixejdhi wrote

Hard disagree. Particularly with "... makes any assumptions by your professor warranted."

A Professor of all people should know that assumptions are not warranted in this context, or most, really. Presumably, he does, as he asked to speak with OP.

I get what you're saying, guilty by association. I've always viewed the 11 nazi saying as more of -- the 10 people aren't necessarily Nazis, but might as well be if everybody they know thinks they are.

Pretty much agree with your post beyond calling an assumption warranted. That is bad.