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Keanu__Gaming__xD OP t1_ixei6c2 wrote

I’ve already said I don’t think I was but tbh I’m worried now because of the nazi table analogy


BlackDawn07 t1_ixews3a wrote

I'm not sure how anyone could be unable to distinguish between something racist and something that's not.

Did you send something that negatively disparages a race or group of people? Then it's racist.


yoteachcaniborrowpen t1_ixf21qy wrote

They did. This is them trying to create plausible deniability of “I’m not racist honest!!! I was just so naive and confused!!”


dualsplit t1_ixf2814 wrote

I didn’t realize that the meme he shared that his partner sent him was antisemetic. So it is possible (though not likely) to be unaware.


Haircut117 t1_ixh4x69 wrote

How can you possibly be so oblivious as to not recognise such an obviously anti-Semitic image?

Seriously, have you been living your whole life under a fucking rock?


dualsplit t1_ixhaze2 wrote

Maybe I have. Or maybe I just don’t associate with racists and their jokes?