Submitted by __Wasabi__ t3_z8cgn2 in tifu

OK so for context, I work full time and have 3 small kids. Due to bills and such I typically work weekends as well for overtime. Today was a special day as I finally can relax for a bit (only in the morning as I have appointments later). It was me and the boys at home (1 and 5 year old). I was sitting on the couch. Coco melon was on as usual. I was relaxing by playing my switch.

Out of no where, my son went up to the fridge and he must have tried to climb it? All happened in an instant. The middle shelf of the fridge fell out with all the cans and sauce bottles and whatnot smashing to the ground with a loud smash! Broken glass and pickle juice everywhere!

I instinctly told my son to get away and not to step on the glass and started packing away the pieces. Of course the baby was frightened and wanted to come over. I had to grab him and as I tried to calm him down he threw up. As I was cleaning he threw up again. And again and again... Did I mention that the kids were sick? Anyway, my trouble maker who dropped the fridge has ASD and no situation awareness and kept asking me to help him with his game he was playing. I snapped and told him to sit and be quiet as baby is vomiting. As I did that baby threw up all over again and I didn't catch it.

I was pretty riled up by now. But then my son noticed he also stepped on glass and his foot was bleeding. So I have baby vomiting and crying and scared and other son crying and bleeding. Floor covered in vomit and glass shards.

This is what happens when I relax for a moment. Lesson learned. Sigh.

TL;DR tried to relax for a moment and son climbed and now my floor is covered in vomit, glass shards and son has bleeding foot.



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infini98 t1_iyb1ni0 wrote

Hope your day gets better


Outside_Survey_5837 t1_iybfgea wrote

You did not fuck up at all! I mean, I can only imagine the chaos you were dealing with, complete with vomit AND broken glass , while being burnt-out and tired.. you're only human, so off course you feel like you lost your cool, but I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. As for your son getting into trouble in the first place, you can't be on full alert 120% of the time. You can not blame yourself too much, you need to allow yourself the same consideration and forgiveness you would a good friend in the same situation. Thankfully no one is hurt too bad, so try as best as you can to take it as a learning opportunity. Also remember to be a gentle to yourself and allow some relaxation time when you can, it sounds like you need it.


StarCounterStayer t1_iyb9dd5 wrote

Sucks dude, but thankfully it wasn’t too bad, the injuries could have been worse

Hope you get to relax soon!


__Wasabi__ OP t1_iyba71u wrote

Thanks! Yeah I dunno. Lol I have to take my cat to the vet later but after that I'm gonna grab a beer and try to relax lol. Was quite the adventure.


dragonflameXYZ t1_iybd0ks wrote

All ur bad karma just got redeemed at once, hopefully all u receive is good karma now


sandeejs t1_iyb60lx wrote

As above. Hope your day improves


Bright-Usual-5891 t1_iybdwrt wrote

damn i thought i was having a rough day with my 16 month old daughter having the flu, apparently i wasn’t having a bad day at all. i feel for you man.


HOLDGMEBROTHERS t1_iyb9j6w wrote

That sounds tough man….. the chances of this happening again are close to 0 so hope you take another day off and it goes well


TigerUSA20 t1_iyb8xf8 wrote

Calgon, take me away!


treetreestwigbranch t1_iybc9jx wrote

This makes me feel better. I’m not the only one. Hopefully it makes you feel better that your not the only one.

I’m just waiting for the day my oldest can mow the lawn and I can crack a beer and watch.


harleyspoison267 t1_iybdmoq wrote

Yeah... Our daughter thought she was a cat for years and was always scaling the cabinets and fridge for food and just becàuse she could. We had a million heart attacks over it but it's really difficult to watch two small kids as one adult normally, plus sickness, etc. It happens, but I'm glad neither kid needed stitches or anything worse and you did a great job not totally losing your shit. A lot of others definitely would have and would be totally justified in doing so. I hope everyone feels better soon!


lifewithoutsleep t1_iyb7762 wrote

I hope you do get a moment of actual relaxation soon!


mukofish t1_iybvjh1 wrote

Last year, I put my 1yo and 4 yo to bed. Wife and I work opposing shifts. She's nights and weekends and I work weekdays. Finally got both kids in bed. It's quiet for a hood 30 minutes. I think im safe, I go downstairs to play on my computer. 10 minutes into playing I hear a noise upstairs. I go to check it out. My 4yo went into my bathroom, opened a container of vicks vapor rub and smeared it all over the walls counter mirror and ceiling and then unscrewed all of the light bulbs from the vanity. Took me over 3 hours to get everything cleaned up. I did not get to play my video games that night. I hope you and your kids are doing better.


GrimResistance t1_iycv9h1 wrote

Holy shit, you need like a kid kennel or something


SparxX2106 t1_iyboyfp wrote

I feel sorry for you wherever you live that you have to work so much for basic living needs :(


prather64 t1_iybqt91 wrote

You’re a damn good dad, good for you and even better for your little ones!


linedancergal t1_iyc8idf wrote

Some parenting days are like that. Fortunately they don't happen often. Hope tomorrow is a better day.


Physical-Apartment-4 t1_iyd86sd wrote

How did you fuck up? These are things completely out of your control and you are doing great handling and fighting this stressful situations, I believe our averageJoe would’ve just gone out and left everything sort itself somehow lol


darthvuder t1_iyetcdw wrote

I’m sure your wife was resting from her “hard day” while you slaving. Oh sorry that’s my life not yours


ftwtidder t1_iybyjbu wrote

Dock Ellis of the Pittsburg Pirates took a day to relax, dropped some LSD when the team called and said he was needed to pitch ASAP.. he then pitched a perfect game while tripping, and is in the Hall of Fame. So maybe in 20 years you’ll be in the mommy hall of fame
