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Mordyth t1_ix0bgl2 wrote

Yep. Dick move. Positive thing is you're 16 or so. This immaturity thing should wear out in a few years. Leave the girl alone. She won't want anything to do with you while she's with the other dude. The only thing you accomplished is that they'll be banging like a drummer in a rock band soon enough- and you sped up the process by forcing her hand.


mynamesaretaken1 t1_ix0m62l wrote

You'd thinkn kids grow out of it, but there's always Trump to prove you wrong


YungJohn_Nash t1_ix0no3o wrote

Man, I never would have been able to relate to this tale of teenage woes had it not been for your insightful political analogy. I just don't understand the world around me without relating it to politics, no matter how unrelated the matter at hand may be


mynamesaretaken1 t1_ix0ulk5 wrote

I mean sure he's a politician, but he's also an infantile adult. I couldn't think of another as well known in the moment.


Zaknafeyn t1_ix1drg8 wrote

I would say Kanye, but he's gone so far off the rails the last few months it might have gone from immaturity to lunacy