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kishers_world OP t1_ix1zc93 wrote

This isn’t an excuse but I care about her and yeah I shouldn’t have done it but what else could I have done?

I don’t want to force her to break up with him but she’s going to get hurt either way. I’ll be lucky if she forgives me and we start talking again. It was in the heat of the moment and I took the only opportunity I saw and it was fucked up.


Snoo_61002 t1_ix1zqi7 wrote

You should either have walked away from the friendship, or done nothing. Cause now you lose the friendship no matter what.

If you cared about her as your friend, and not as someone who you feel romantically entitled to, then you'd support her decision and keep supporting her autonomy. You don't get to force her to do anything.


Airsteps350 t1_ix2894y wrote

What else you could have done? Let her make her own choices. It's not your job to intervene. You can make her aware and let her make an informed decision. You don't have to like her choices and people need to sometimes make mistakes to learn from that and grow.

I truly hope you will too but so far I mostly read from you: Yeah I fucked up and then a justification.

Good intentions do NOT justify the means. You did see " red flags" and became the red flag.