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NoReallyLetsBeFriend t1_iya2usa wrote

Love how people are hating... Glad none of them have ever lost their temper or patience... Anyway, I hope it works out. Sometimes shit gets crazy or out of hand in the heat of the moment, but as long as you both work through it and acknowledge the wrongdoing, it can be forgiven and forgotten.

If you are physically abusive, that's a different story altogether because you'd leave marks, bruises, welts, etc. That's NOT ok! What you two need is to draw clear boundaries to prevent it from happening or getting close to it, or ever getting worse!


shadesofwolves t1_iya4t2w wrote

> If you are physically abusive, that's a different story altogether

> I grabbed her and pinned her against the wall, and I started yanking her tank top and I yelled at her



AutisticPenguin2 t1_iya7uy1 wrote

Notice the bit where physical abuse is not ok because it leaves marks?

Not because, you know, it's abuse? No, no the real problem is leaving evidence of your abuse where other people might see it.

So many red flags, if this were a soccer match the field would be empty.


shadesofwolves t1_iya87wm wrote

It's crazy, right?

"It's not bad because there's no evidence"



okcafe t1_iya5119 wrote

yeah you’re actually right. I have never lost my temper while someone is crying about their trauma and then perpetuated it further. I’m sure many of us “hating” have never gone out of our way to slut shame a victim of abuse. oh yeah and then claiming we “love” them yet screaming at them when they cry.