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RissoldeChocolate t1_iyab0qz wrote

Keep calling abuse the most mild insignificant shit. Leave your house more, maybe you'll learn that leaving someone that trully cares about you just because they acted wrongly once is not a good idea.


shadesofwolves t1_iyabmx1 wrote

> After a while, the sound of her nonstop crying really pissed me off. I grabbed her and pinned her against the wall, and I started yanking her tank top and I yelled at her

> mild insignificant shit

Tell me to leave my house more again, that'll really hammer home your defence of abuse while also being abusive. Real next level shit right there.


proteinisking t1_iyabqgc wrote

Something to brighten up your day:

>Life is like a brutal Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. It's more spectacular than you will ever know.

This joke is from


proteinisking t1_iyabr3w wrote

Something to brighten up your day:

>Chuck Norris loves to plant tubes of springing snakes in bodies to be autopsied.

This joke is from
