Submitted by Akirex5000 t3_yy7bh2 in tifu

This literally happened a few minutes ago and I think I’m still in a little bit of shock. So basically I was printing some papers that I needed for homework and once they were done printing I went to look for the stapler to staple them. Once I had it I opened it to check if there were still staples inside. But here is where the fuck-up happens.

I checked that it still had staples in it and once I did I closed it, without realizing that my thumb was still right in front of where the staples come out. I immediately regretted my decision when I felt a weird pain on my finger and looked down to find out that my thumb had now been impaled by a staple. I carefully but panickedly took out the staple and rushed downstairs to ask my mom for help.

She was surprisingly nice and calm about it and she basically just helped me wash my thumb and disinfected it before telling me where the band-aids were. Now I am sitting down writing this with a bandaged thumb because I thought it would be funny to share my stupidity with everyone.

TLDR: I accidentally closed a stapler on my thumb and stapled my finger.

(PS: I apologize for any spelling mistakes as it’s kinda hard to write with a large band-aid covering one of your thumbs)



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Dawgy66 t1_iwsosx8 wrote

It happens, don't sweat it


Akirex5000 OP t1_iwspd5l wrote

Yeah I’ve heard a lot of stories about people stapling their thumbs. I just never really thought it would happen to me y’know? Funny how things turn out.


Dawgy66 t1_iwsq6y0 wrote

I drank gas when I was 3. I was thirsty and thought it smelled good so when I saw a gas can in the shed, I drank some and had to have my stomach pumped.
Weird things happen every day, ppl just don't always talk about it


lpotassiuml t1_iwsun4n wrote

At least you didn’t drink something in the chemistry lab


Akirex5000 OP t1_iwsv5ax wrote

That’s funny because I always thought gasoline smelled kinda tasty and even thought about wanting to drink it sometimes. Good thing I didn’t.


CuteBostonian t1_iwsuqjd wrote

Yeah, I did it in fifth grade. I wasn’t looking and reached out to rest my arm on a bookcase. My thumb just randomly went between the two parts of the stapler, and I grabbed it and looked over to see what I had just stuck my hand into. When I grabbed it, it clunked together and shit a staple into my thumb.


Prof_NoLife t1_iwsv0l9 wrote

I admit, this happened to me aswell as kid. Pierced my finger and the staple bent under the skin. What can I say, lesson learned. Atleast the one with the stapler.


Akirex5000 OP t1_iwsw28u wrote

At least for me the staple didn't bend and I was able to pull it out without tearing my finger off in the process. I can't imagine how much more painful it would have been if it did.


Sir_Remington1294 t1_iwsvk49 wrote

I did that a couple of years ago but I stapled my middle finger at work. I panicked for a second, couldn’t get it out, so I asked my boss to but by the time she got there, I had ripped it out.


BuGMoiDroit t1_iwsylmg wrote

I just remember stapling my thumb, and being shocked by how it could have punctured my skin that much. It didn't hurt a lot, I was just more gobsmacked by what I'd done.