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WhyDoIHaveRules t1_ivx1pml wrote

Why would you be racist for calling someone Chinese?


swatantr t1_ivx1tse wrote

haha, love this. I used to be mistaken for Asian in general a lot. I got a corporate job downtown because the thought I was Asian.


Hell, I dated a guy for 6 years that thought I was Chinese initially...not sure why I stayed in that as long as I did...20's I'll chalk it up to.


I don't think it's a big deal. Oh I forgot, my own mom thought I was just some Asian girl when she was picking me up from the airport.


I'm Indigenous btw. From NE BC.


Toolbagg t1_ivx25v0 wrote

How is Chinese-Korean not Chinese?


MiniFishyMe t1_ivx4hij wrote

To offer a perspective of someone who lives in asia, an easy answer to that is, Mainlanders. They are generally viewed negatively. And because some smartass decided the race and nationality should share the same word, people tend to be a bit more irked at being called a mainlander chinese, if you catch my drift.

Though i'm not entirely sure how much of this sentiment is shared by those born and bred beyond asia, but i wager a still fair bit. Especially with how much vitriol can be hurled at them that looks a certain sort simply because chinabad.


DuePomegranate t1_ivx7666 wrote

> Stopped and paused for 5 seconds... before saying "I'm not Chinese" and "I'm Filipino"

Did Naomi say that or did you say that?

Aargh, I don't know why teenagers' writing is so hard to understand. The whole story from head to tail made no sense.


DuePomegranate t1_ivxqo32 wrote

Dude, WHO stopped and said “I’m not Chinese”? You or her?

What does someone being a Chinese national have to do with examples of student work?

How is it a joke to tell your friend that Naomi is a rich Chinese exchange student?

If Naomi is the one who said that she’s Filipino, then why did John say that she’s Chinese-Korean? If you’re the one who is Filipino, did you think that you had to tell Naomi that so she wouldn’t think that you’re Chinese like her?


DuePomegranate t1_ivxu16l wrote

Umm, you're editing what they wrote.

>... the next thing I knew Naomi approached me. Paused for 5 seconds...

By omitting (for no reason) the subject before "paused", it leads to confusion because the previous sentence was both about Naomi and "me".