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jester123456789 t1_ivx4ip1 wrote

Dont give them any money, its a pretty common scam. Ive been there personally lol. They wont send anything.


The_Dirtiest_Doc t1_ivxe8t2 wrote

friend told me one day that a mutual friend got caught by this. Then told me that this is how he knows that this mutual friend really likes to get pegged. So I guess sometimes they will send it. Personally I would just keep sending more, like really raunchy yet artistic stuff that the scammers do not want to see. I gotta let my friends and family know I have a creative side.


Embra_ t1_ivxsj6o wrote

Honestly this might pay off. In text messages write about how you really really don't want them to leak those photos and you'll get the money soon, but then just send more content until they get the impression that it's a humiliation fetish of yours and are too disgusted to want to deal with you anymore.

Or they do send it and now it's worse than the single cock pic lmao


DandySolid46 t1_ivxf2ko wrote

if they are going to send it usualy doesnt mater if you pay up, unless they want to black mail you for longer. just take the L if he realy sends it but never pay, it's either a waste of money or a way to put a "money cow" tag in your back.


SirGreen117 t1_ivx4e72 wrote

Bro same. Recently.

Fuck em, most of my people have seen me streaking and I could give a fuck less.

"Imma show all your friends your pics!"

Ok and???


TheGeebLord t1_ivx4rgg wrote

OK sweet thanks man. That makes sense and makes me feel alot better


lamb2cosmicslaughter t1_ivx5efg wrote

Revenge porn laws could also get them


fistbumpbroseph t1_ivxa7hs wrote

Yar. You have records. Snapchat disappears for users but law enforcement can get logs, including IP addresses. Same with Reddit. If they leak, immediately get a lawyer if you can, or go straight to the cops for revenge porn with every bit of info you have. Even if they're running a VPN there's always a chance they are either using a bad one or made a mistake and there will be a real IP to be found.

Now, I can't tell you how hard the authorities will work on your behalf, but the more evidence you can provide, the more likely they are to follow it through to conclusion. Don't worry about being embarrassed. It takes REAL balls to show photos of your balls to the cops to find the fucker who blackmailed you.

(Edit: typo)


Cute_Unit_3157 t1_iw01z2n wrote

Just say you think you were hacked and someone stole some intimates… and extorting you, so be prepared for comedy…😑😏

It’ll be fine.


MissIllusion t1_ivx7a02 wrote

Aso important to remember that there is absolutely nothing stopping them from taking your money and releasing them anyways. Check out cyber security laws in your area too. There may be a helpline you can call for advice too. Do not send them money.

At the end of the day it's just nudes. It's not the taboo it once was.


jonnythunder3483 t1_ivxcgy7 wrote

If I had a penny for every time this exact thing happens and people on here freak out…holy shit, I’d be a millionaire.


JakHammer9 t1_ivx8le0 wrote

Tell the scammer to wait because if they’re going to leak your photos, you want to make sure they have better quality ones. Retake them with a really good camera, great lighting, etc. Make it art. Show the scammer you DGAF about their threats.


madmart07 t1_ivx8csx wrote

Send those nudes to all your friends and tell the scammer BAZINGA!


SnakeInHisBoot t1_ivx4xa4 wrote

Yeah sorry this is happening to you but the odds of them releasing those picture regardless is sky high


madmart07 t1_ivx8b4t wrote

It's cliched but you don't know if they will ask for more once you give them money.


koanarec t1_ivx4d55 wrote

Literally would go for letting the pictures get sent.


ouzo84 t1_ivx8baz wrote

Unless the photos are of you doing something illegal, like with kids or animals or dead people, you really don’t need to worry.

If they do send the photos, your friends and family are going to be surprised but almost everyone looks at porn (including your parents) so it’s probably nothing they have not seen before.

If it does involve something illegal, you should report the attempted blackmail to police to stop the blackmailer doing something like this to other people, and you would have to accept the consequences of your actions.


ZeroVultan t1_ivxdmlw wrote

Talk to a close pal about this. They will understand, a lot of people have been in this kinda situation (being blackmailed in someway by a stranger claiming to have incriminating pictures).

High chance it is an empty threat. There is a chance you could flip this by threatening back with some law knowledge.

Getting a bit fkd up and sending some pics to a willing recipient is fine, blackmailing is a crime, don't give the fuckers money, threaten them with time.

(Disclaimer: I don't know where you live, and have not personally been in this situation, that's why I recommend speaking to a close friend, so you can hash it out. Don't be embarrassed and silent, that's the best mechanism for the scammers getting money)

Good luck OP!


wrrrrrrigleys t1_ivxzw01 wrote

I think that the best thing you can do, would be as honest as you can. I can't imagine someone would want to do anything that would really embarass you, not unless you know them and personally which it doesn't sound like you do.

Don't worry, it'll come out in the wash as they say!


RenzoARG t1_ivxffx4 wrote

So many people recommending the legal path, yet... nothing implies you're not getting blackmailed from a country were cybercrime laws are light or unexistant.
Take the L and forget about it.


smorkoid t1_ivy7pqe wrote

It's not just a cybercrime, this is blackmail and illegal anywhere.


RenzoARG t1_iw2oxkv wrote

Welcome to the real world, where not everyone around the globe lives in disneyland.