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rabbitt-we OP t1_iw0a2lr wrote

Hellooo everyone! Welcome to tifu. For episode 70 we’ll be playing a game of truth or truth. Rules are simple, we’re playing truth or dare without the dare. If you have a fuck up you want to share, we can stop the game to hear it!

  • make sure you direct the question you have to one person on the panel to avoid people talking over one another
  • Don’t criminalise yourself
  • If people listening have a question they’d like to share please do! Reply to this comment.

__Mooose__ t1_iw0a4zs wrote

Why was I notified for this

Edit: okay thank you.


Kumashein t1_iw0a6yj wrote

First time ever joining something like this :0


dialga5 t1_iw0a9tg wrote

We can hear you fine


cloggydoggy t1_iw0ac12 wrote

Are you serious right neow bro


Kumashein t1_iw0aqom wrote

I only like smoking alone because of that dissociation you feel haha


LocksmithApart2340 t1_iw0ayk3 wrote

Cool cool cool enjoying my joint and listening to this #wakeandbake


Naratis t1_iw0bjdc wrote

I never knew this was a thing


PheonixGalaxy t1_iw0bk2r wrote

Me personally I would not let that slide /s


Kumashein t1_iw0braj wrote

I feel like half the TIFUs involve drugs/alcohol xD


Kumashein t1_iw0c5iq wrote

Lmao the way she laughs while saying that 😂


Wolcott36 t1_iw0e7e4 wrote

How often do these chats take place?


Dragon_Wolf_88 t1_iw0exh0 wrote

I hope it's not but a lot of times when dogs cough it could be heart issues.


Kumashein t1_iw0fmog wrote

In regards to opening your heart to another pet, I feel like it's all subjective. Sometimes you're just not emotionally available to take care of another pet even if you desire to. Everyone deals with loss differently too I suppose.


DementedJay t1_iw0gf22 wrote

Hanging with my 13 year old dog, who we're hoping makes it to Sunday. Which is when she'll be leaving us by appointment.

My wife just checked out on me. "I can't do this, you're going to have to do this alone."

TIDFU, I'm just trying to get our dog to a peaceful ending.

I hope you and yours are safe / okay at the vet.

Posting here because I'm hurt, angry, resentful, and alone.


Zyklozylum t1_iw0gojj wrote

The amount of fecal matter in this talk…


It’s higher than normal


DementedJay t1_iw0h4sa wrote

I have a story about disgusting stuff in front of Madeleine Albright.


DementedJay t1_iw0hto0 wrote

Which Lassie? There were like 20.


DementedJay t1_iw0ials wrote

Lol ok thanks for the clarification 🤣


aloesteve t1_iw0kbhv wrote

Behaviorism/positivism vs rationalism/abstraction


Klounew7 t1_iw0kl8f wrote

i mean, humans arent more evolved that animals. we just have evolved in different ways. we cant dive to the bottom of the ocean, or run as fast as an antelope.


Zyklozylum t1_iw0kpgy wrote

Ok good cuz I wasn’t left alone with host perms lol I was like uhhhhh


ilkovsky t1_iw0l1xj wrote

We actually are more evolved. Our genetic code is the longest, most complex. As are our brains. That doesn't mean animals aren't more capable than us at certain things, of course.


asu2021 t1_iw0lock wrote

Like this format. Wish everyone wasn’t trying to give a TED talk all the time though.


Zyklozylum t1_iw0n95m wrote

Funny you mention I actually am part of a research group for helium based nuclear fusion as an energy source


Goldooo t1_iw0nkgg wrote

Fishing is sustainable


TinnitusSux t1_iw0nvhw wrote

Co2 is natural you crazies. Trees need it the earth need the tree plant more trees you foolish people.


Goldooo t1_iw0nxze wrote

Fishing in captive? Saying fishing is flat out unsustainable is a flat out lie. In some scenarios yeah sustainability can be questioned, but in every scenario.. no.


DementedJay t1_iw0o0gk wrote

She just passed while we were on the call. 😢


rabbitt-we OP t1_iw0o5n3 wrote

Emissions of greenhouse gases, predominantly carbon dioxide, have been steadily increasing and kicking the greenhouse effect out of balance. Essentially, there are too many greenhouse gases absorbing the sun's energy, which means our planet is slowly warming up. We know this as climate change. Co2 is natural, the problem is that we’re producing too much of it.


oenomausprime t1_iw0o88u wrote

Just what in the actual fuck is going on here?


Glum_Stock_9056 t1_iw0occq wrote

Mass collection luke 7 billion people want 1 fish each. Thats what we go for everyone can have 1 fish a day or a chicken so on and so forth. Supply and demand right?


TinnitusSux t1_iw0oe80 wrote

Thank you for the corporate fishing statement as opposed to the individual. 100% sane comment


Goldooo t1_iw0of3v wrote

What do you realistically see as the solution? “Everyone stop fishing” is not a valid answer. That’d be cool but that’s not happening.


Goldooo t1_iw0p3fh wrote

If you had a trillion dollars to influence something it would be realistic


TinnitusSux t1_iw0pbun wrote

I understand this and am not against some solutions... lithium batteries aka electric cars that charge off coal power plants isnt the answer is my poibt by my first short comment. People need to look at themselves and go Im going to plant more plants and trees. Im going to reduce through natural for me my use of plastics. The green new deal push by the world is only a ploy for lining pockets of rich fools. Not a political statement buried anywhere, I definitly love the planet. Being force feed what we are being fed is the ultimate issue to me. We used to push planting trees and my planet was a beautiful place then.


JimJim2002 t1_iw0svx5 wrote

Anyone seen the movie, Black Adam? What's your general opinion about that movie?


Zyklozylum t1_iw0tnie wrote

Ok one thing, dissing the United States or anyones country will result in removal/ban


JimJim2002 t1_iw0vb2g wrote

Anyone heard about Kevin Conroy passing away (voice actor for Batman)?


EstablishmentExtra32 t1_iw0xk1f wrote

What timing! Just shat my brumating beardie boi Darwin. Feels like a new man! 😄


Hectropolis t1_iw0xwq5 wrote

This is cool! First time listener , long time redditor


FrontStreetFellas t1_iw0zdrw wrote

Here I am at this moment in the vast cosmos of the internet.


elijaha23 t1_iw12ts9 wrote

Drummer In nickelback? You can't please anybody then


Zyklozylum t1_iw14zzf wrote

Remember to raise your hand if you’d like to speak! 💖


elijaha23 t1_iw169w6 wrote

Ken Griffin front citadel is abitch.wallstreet is the enemy


WTYBrown t1_iw16b28 wrote

Y’all talking with too much emotion. It’s simple mathematics and economics. Loan forgiveness doesn’t just work. There are economics that you need to account for


elijaha23 t1_iw16baj wrote

College prices are outrageous


casey025682 t1_iw16gje wrote

Who is giving this moron a platform to speak?


elijaha23 t1_iw16ht5 wrote

Yep and you took out those loans. You signed them pay them. Wtf.


elijaha23 t1_iw16ovq wrote

Biden killing the energy sector doesn't matter any way, were all fu ked


elijaha23 t1_iw16tk8 wrote

Racism is a distraction


elijaha23 t1_iw175uw wrote

A lot of Republicans that are racist to my face alone of democrats racist behind my back


[deleted] t1_iw1ardt wrote

Lots of people here. Nice to see you.


JC1812 t1_iw1c1dk wrote

FYI: This is Ep 71.