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msnmck t1_ixaet8a wrote

> I’m on an all male crew so there’s not a whole lot of modesty between the crew.

I'm sorry, but this logic just doesn't check out. You mean you want a bunch of other dudes just seeing your junk? I didn't even change in front of other dudes in school. Fuck that business.


futureruler t1_ixago6i wrote

You get real comfortable. Hell, quite a few of us went around grabbing each other's nuts. Submariners usually get their first male to male kiss in a game of chicken. You really stop thinking of "gay" as "liking things up your butt" to "yep, I'm not attracted to men"....which is how it should be anyway tbh


aidan8et t1_ixal3ic wrote

Ah, good ol' homophobia...


msnmck t1_ixald0z wrote

Not wanting random people to see my dick is homophobia?

Make it make sense.

No really.


aidan8et t1_ixjadiy wrote

Generally a fear of locker room nudity boils down to 1 of 2 issues: fear of being judged (low self-esteem or body image), or fear of someone "losing control" at the sight of you (homophobia).

So you either are afraid of someone sexually assaulting you, or you think your penis is tiny. Either way, here's a secret: No one cares. Just don't go swinging your junk in someone's face.


InfiniteArrival t1_ixd4dll wrote

Never been on a submarine but I've deployed on surface ships. Sleeping stacked 3 high with several hundred men at a time is a bit of a shock at first but then you realize it's actually more difficult to maintain some modesty.

Sorry you're so uncomfortable about your body bro. It's just a penis.