Submitted by skuzzlebutt36 t3_z4w56h in tifu

Bro, this is ridiculous. Prepare yourselves. So, last night I was having a conversation with one of my parents’ best friend’s sister’s daughter (I know). And then I brought her up in conversation this morning with my boss. So he asks if he could see a photo of her, and I was like “yeah, I guess.” So he scrolls through her Instagram on my phone and accidentally liked a photo from like 4 years ago. And she was fucking 16 in the photo. Literally. Because I’m 5 years older than her. Currently, I’m 25, she’s 20. But like. Dude. What the fuck do I say to her. It’s been hours since it happened. And I’m like “yo, does she think I’m a fucking creep now?” Part of me feels like she totally got weirded out by that. I’m worried as hell and I’m not sure if I should approach her about it somehow.

Help me fix this, please, Reddit!

TL:DR I let my boss use my phone and he liked a young photo of a girl with my account.



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SprocketFFXI t1_ixt218d wrote

Did you unlike it? It will say you liked a photo but i believe she wouldnt even know which photo it was if it was unliked


jinbtown t1_ixt2q0o wrote

unlike the photo dude. it happens, don't bring it up or try to awkwardly joke about it


[deleted] t1_ixt59dx wrote

This is niche, and everybody knows about the instagram years-ago-stigma. Im sure shed understand, or even, you dont have to explain. It was just an accident, if she brings it up.


ZirePhiinix t1_ixt5iq2 wrote

Don't let people hold your phone to "see" anything.


powfuldragon t1_ixt6anw wrote

you typed this bad excuse up on reddit as a cover-your-ass move, eh?


lobo_locos t1_ixtcf9q wrote

>having a conversation with one of my parents’ best friend’s sister’s daughter



BicarbonateOfSofa t1_ixtelwy wrote

Dude, I work in food service. We are the most immature, shit-faced, dark-humoured, foul-minded weirdos. And even we wouldn't have actually done the scenario you presented.

Unlike the picture and erase that girl from your memory before it gets creepy.


mjkjg2 t1_ixtq5g3 wrote

OP writing this cover story🤣 “my boss did it!”


chee_burger t1_ixtydob wrote

Can you show me a photo of her on your phone?


fannydandy t1_ixu120e wrote

Always feeling old when I read this kind of "F.Ups"..gif


SeedhilllSid t1_ixu1eek wrote

“I was telling my boss about you and he wanted to see your picture. It was him that liked your picture from 4 years ago! “ Sounds plausible 😂