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feetsfoots t1_iya98hg wrote

Genuine questions. I’m not willing to share any of my info here. Reddit is the only anonymous forum I have ever dabbled with, and TIFU is my favorite sub with my real account.

Obviously ads are cross posted and worked. This isn’t.


feetsfoots t1_iyaa7d7 wrote

There were 3 questions marks. At least.

And it’s not posted literally anywhere else. I expected hate because I’ve been in the sub a long time. But I also know that this is the only sub I’ve found that gets a lot of feedback and people who would be well versed in things like phone look up, cashapp, and their visceral hate for spammers.


SillyWillyPickaDilly t1_iyae28n wrote

No, this isn’t an advice sub. And spammers can go to hell.

But if they ever brightened my day or made me laugh I might have a different attitude. There’s some lonely fool out there who needs you! Just be careful. And charge more than a dollar. FFS.


Flair_Helper t1_iybt5yt wrote

Hey /u/feetsfoots, thanks for contributing to /r/tifu. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules:

Rule 5 - Not a fuckup. No humblebrags or stories that have zero consequences and don't go anywhere. Eg "tifu by sexy sex". Moderator discretion.

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