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NoReallyLetsBeFriend t1_iybowpl wrote

"My dad can't satisfy her in the bedroom ever since he passed away" 🎢🎡


Squigglepig52 t1_iydnu1b wrote

I worked for a place that sold stuff for sausage making (we actually sold everything a meat packer or butcher could need, except the meat.)

One day, this teeny little old Italian lady comes in, she had to be 90. She wanted to know how much sodium nitrate was in the sausage spice mixes.

Because, saltpeter used to be added to men's food to reduce libido, supposedly, and she was afraid her husband was being affected by it,because he ate home made sausage.

"The last few months, he doesn't want to make love anymore, and I think maybe it's the saltpeter!"

I said maybe it's because he's over 90, and just running out of energy, and she sadly agreed.

Evidently, some people never get too old to get horny.