Submitted by Rejes t3_z6cjd7 in tifu

I repair electrical components that go inside high end robots that assemble parts and transfer components from one place to another. I share a work station with a co-worker who works the day shift. We log in and out with a code so management knows who's working on components. It's a cake job and not a lot of pressure. I forgot to add that, me and my girlfriend had a big argument before work and I was pissed off about things when I got to work. When I got to my workstation, my station partner left already, (I was a little late because of girlfriend drama). I sat down and immediately noticed I was out of wire and flux. Annoyed, I went to the supply room, came back and started working. Well, after like 3 hours I noticed that my PIN code wasn't showing on the work labels I attached to my stuff going was my station partners PIN! So, I logged her out and logged myself in. I had processed like 46 pieces before I saw the wrong PIN code. I took a break, and then went back to supply for more supplies. I finished out the shift and went home and ignored girlfriend that night. Next day, found out that my station partner got fired for using the wrong wire size and wasting like $84,000 in labor charges and materials. She was in her probationary period so they let her go. I immediately wondered if I had made the mistake yesterday when doing work under her login. Well crap, when I got to my station I saw the first empty spool I used and it was the wrong size for the parts we were making. I just knew it was my mistake. I felt bad but not bad enough to go snitch on myself. I just feel like shit...but I am scared to say something now.

TL;DR: I got a co worker fired, didn't fess up to it being my mistake, and now I feel like crap.



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MNJon t1_iy0oilm wrote

Times like this determine if you are a man or a boy.


ThinkCow83 t1_iy0xjyy wrote

You are an absolute arse hole of a douche bag of a piece of crap....

Go to your boss and tell them YOU effed up not the person you are pinning it on!

Jesus Christ are people really this awful that they blame others for THEIR MISTAKES?!


Reddit-username_here t1_iy10pmn wrote

Look man, I don't know how long ago this happened, but if it was fairly recently you need to go come clean. If you feel like it's already been too long, you could always tell your boss something like "I was thinking about it and I remembered that I mistakenly forgot to switch to my PIN for a while."

You could be seriously destroying her life by making her lose her job for something she didn't do.


Rejes OP t1_iy14tjc wrote

Arrggghh...but crap. I would get fired now. They wouldn't see it as a mistake now. It's been like three weeks almost and I heard the other person is still looking for a job...that could be me!


Reddit-username_here t1_iy16k9i wrote

Are you on probation? If not, you're unlikely to get fired. And I just gave you an out for it being 3 weeks. Say you just happened to be thinking about the entire situation and it hit you that it was likely your mistake.

Hell, I'd be more likely to promote someone who was able to own up to their mistakes, regardless of the consequences, than I would be to fire them. Especially if they could've stayed in the clear and let someone else take the fall.


pity_party_65 t1_iy192ww wrote

So basically, you’re a piece of shit and you’re letting someone else get fired for your mistake…. Merry Christmas


1600hazenstreet t1_iy1adcv wrote

Fess Up. Do they have camera on each workstations? There definitely will be time logs when they run audit.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_iy1iknp wrote

> after like 3 hours I noticed that my PIN code wasn’t showing

Wait, aren’t log ins and log outs time stamped? Surely someone would look into that and see that your coworker “logged out” 3 hours late and you “logged in” 3 hours late and they would do a deeper investigation


TexasRedJames1974 t1_iy1jo0l wrote

I do a similar job to what you do - troubleshooting and repairing electronics, and like you it has to be logged electronically. I too have forgotten to log into my work order logging station - on a number of occasions, and when there is a screw-up (and yes they invariably will happen) I have always fessed up. You get more respect for admitting to a mistake, then correcting it and learning from the experience than you ever will by letting a coworker take the fall for your screw-up.

The longer you go without fessing up the worse things will be for you when your boss does find out. I am surprised they didn't look at the date/time stamps for when the work was done - that should have shown that your coworker didn't make the mistake as she would have been clocked out and out of the building. I'm surprised your coworker didn't have the smarts to ask when the bad parts were made.

Just tell your boss that you just noticed the timestamps on the messed up parts/work and realized it was likely your mistake and not your coworkers and ask what you can do to make it right - because your bosses will eventually find out and whether or not you admitted to your mistake will shape thier opinion of whether or not they can trust you.


TexasRedJames1974 t1_iy1k0aj wrote

I wondered the same - the timestamps would have shown that the bad parts were made after the coworker was clocked out (making it unlikely the coworker actually did them). That could be verified against security footage/badge access records of the coworker leaving the facility. Then they look at who was clocked in that also works at that station to see who the real culprit was - especially given that it was an $84,000 mistake.


Reddit-username_here t1_iy1m9y7 wrote

Good on you mate! It does take some courage to own your mistakes when you fuck up something at this magnitude, but it's the right thing to do. No matter what happens, 20 years down the road, you're going to feel a lot better that you did the right thing than you would knowing you fucked someone over for something they didn't do.


LaDiiablo t1_iy2tzh9 wrote

>I felt bad but not bad enough to go snitch on myself.

What does this even mean you little shit. Grow the fuck up and get that poor woman her job back


Magnedeus t1_iy3rkyk wrote

Even if you didn't intend for it to happen, it's the fact that it happened. And I'm pretty sure the reason why you won't confess is because you'll lose your job for lying. But that's ok, I believe in karma and it will indeed get you for this.