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azewonder t1_ixuhmc9 wrote

Haha I did something similar once. I saw what I thought was a ton of smoke coming from the neighbor’s garage. My ex said “I’m pretty sure that’s the dryer vent” (it was cold out that night). I still went running over, frantically knocked on their door, and pointed out the huge plume of “smoke”. They verified that it was in fact the dryer. I went slinking back home where my ex was cracking up at me


fire_thorn t1_ixuj8ns wrote

It could just as easily have been a fire, though. My mom went outside to look for her cat one night at 3am and saw that her neighbor's garage was on fire. She woke them up, they all got out and called the fire department. There was only minor damage to the garage. They treat my mom like she's their favorite person in the whole world now


Jacktheforkie t1_ixv7wp8 wrote

The other week I came home to use the toilet and ended up alerting my neighbours to literal fire shooting out of the chimney


SithRose t1_ixwlq9r wrote

That wasn't a bad thing and I'm glad he's now your ex. I've seen a house burn down COMPLETELY from a dryer fire. The house was literally down the block from me. I gave the poor owner a skirt and shirt so she'd have something more than pajamas. Better to be over cautious when it comes to dryer vents, they're one of the two most common causes of house fires!