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AcrobaticSource3 t1_iweuadw wrote

> probably just to find some of my clothes to wear

Do you and she wear the same size? And even if so a 40F is comfortable wearing the clothing style of a teenager?


troubled_stranger OP t1_iwgogo3 wrote

We do, ive already asked her to stop wearing my clothes but she goes ahead to wear them anyways. Ive stopped trying to talk to her about boundaries since "kids dont have any" from her perspective. Hiding things are the only way to have any privacy really.


ajm900 t1_iwgt9ml wrote

That sounds like abusive behavior to me, your belongings, your clothes, your space, aren't yours, they're hers; and honestly if your grandparents are worse and this doesn't stop, seriously consider contacting child protective services


[deleted] t1_iwi6ngg wrote



ajm900 t1_iwiahqq wrote

I often forget that that the US system is different, in my country they will only take the kids away as a last resort, maybe it would have been better to say tell someone, like a school counsellor, idk, I generally have a low tolerance for behavior that I see has parallels to abuse because of the experiences myself and the people close to me have had, and my reactions to such behavior are more severe

Edit: oh dear the comment got deleted


Fav0 t1_iwh30a7 wrote

get out of this fucked up household ejsus fuck


I_Thot_So t1_iwgasic wrote

Do you think teenagers only wear outrageously trendy clothing? Or that moms in their 40’s can’t wear cool things? Or maybe she just wanted a tshirt.

Her mom is toxic AF, but she’s not elderly.


missbeckford t1_iwgysis wrote

My mom does this too after she lost weight. I’m also in my teens and she had me in her late thirties. I really dislike it and I have a new lock to put on my door but I can’t find the electric screwdriver.


fohsupreme t1_iwir4gj wrote

Use a butter knife! (especially her favourite one)


missbeckford t1_iwjf8tu wrote

Lmboo I don, I don't hate her; plus, we have more butter knives than any other utensils. I want to use the screwdriver because I have a bad cut on one of my thumbs and a lot of minor cuts from my exgama on my dominant hand (I don't pick them. It's just dry, and it will snow tonight)

I used to use pointy knives to do this when I was younger, but the work wasn't also good, and I would need to go over it.


fohsupreme t1_iwjo313 wrote

My wife has eczema too, that sucks.

Alright alright I'll let you use a screwdriver. Godspeed friend.


missbeckford t1_iwlqb9u wrote

Thanks I really appreciate that, especially since I can't spell to save my life. (my Grammarly keyboard fixed the word “especially” for me and it leaves Egzema alone)