Submitted by Skarredd t3_z6gp0q in tifu

Obligatory: yesterday i fucked up

So i was having a good time with my friends, chatting drinking. After half a bottle of wine, a mojito, some gin, i somehow couldn't catch my last train so i slept at my one of my friend's house. She's super cool and asked if i wanted to smoke a bit, why not, right? So she pulled out a bong, and i've never smoked from a bong, but it must be like the usual stuff, so i took a clumsy first hit. It was fine, it didn't really affect my already drunk mind. So i took a second hit, my lungs are pretty big and i'm used to filling them with sisha, so i filled them with this second hit as well. I started coughing furiously as espected, but it was also a bit nauseating, so i went into the bathroom and rested my head above the sink.

And then the trip hit me like a flaming bullet train hit a bird that flew onto the wrong tracks. I was on a ride to the deepest levels of hell and i've bought the express no return ticket. I started having normal dreams, but a lot, and every so often i realized i was trapped in dreams, and had a nano panic attack. I clearly remember asking myself "This is hell, when will it stop?"

Then my friend came in the room and asked me something, probably about how was i feeling. And that grounded me in my reality. Getting out of an endlessly repeating panic attack felt like pure bliss. All i could muster to her was "It's been 50 years." Because it felt like hours has passed in the perpetual pit of darkness, and i was still trying to entertain her with a titanic meme. She replied "it's been 10 minutes" And my world crumbled for a bit, but not for long, because at this point i had my perception of reality reduced to 2 simple axioms.

  1. I exist above a sink, i am touching the sink, and all is right in my world

  2. I am hearing my friend's voice, and all is right in my world.

It was a very humbling experience, i also hallucinated hearing my friend talk with someone, and leaving down the stairs when she wasn't in the room. As she later confirmed she never did those things. Oh yeah, i totally forgot. Talking was extremely difficult.

I humbly existed in my world of 2 things, but she was trying to have a conversation. Imagine if you will, trying to prove that the Earth is round to a flat earther, in a language you don't know, and you can only use a translated vocabulary book. I was probably averaging a whopping 1 word per second in my responses. My mouth wasn't a part of my world so i had to force it in, and i was forming sentences going by what the previous word was in my sentence. Forming sentences when you don't know what the whole sentence will look like is pretty weird. But i made do.

And then she asked me to look up. And my world was completely broken. I can look. Holy shit, things exist beyond the sink and i can see them. Joy and terror rushed through me as i realized that nothing will ever be like me and the sink again. It honestly felt like i was enlightened. I knew everything about that world, it was a simple peaceful existence. But nevertheless, i was in the real world again, after like 30 minutes of sink hugging. Which really did feel like something between hours and years.

The nausea was gone and i was quietly discovering every piece of furniture that i forgot about. After that she escorted me to her room and we watched silly movies 'till we fell asleep.

So the pros of the experience:

  • great company
  • potent stuff
  • funny movie
  • things that exist
  • sink
  • caretaker isn't just a voice


  • the deepest pits of hell were a bit too warm
  • there are things other than the sink
  • i know what acute psychosis means
  • my ticket to h-double-hockeysticks were non refundable


I drank and smoked too much and then i forgot my knowledge of reality for half an hour.



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Ooh-Rah t1_iy1dsi4 wrote

Man, I've been smoking for a long time, and I've never had anything like that happen. I suspect the booze might have acted as a potentiator. Glad you came out okay.


Some_Silver t1_iy1r06h wrote

Oh yeah. Smoking weed once you're already drunk is a nasty combo. I've been unable to move from nausea for hours just from taking a couple hits off a joint in that situation.


xXSacred420Xx t1_iy27a4e wrote

What the fuck is everyone smoking? Both op and comments talking about hallucinations and shit wtf? I've been smoking my whole life, I've ripped dabs way too hard, I've eaten way too many edibles, and smoked way too strong of hash, and never had hallucinations??? Are yall sure you're just smoking weed? Maybe I'm smoking the wrong thing?


Skarredd OP t1_iy2mb9p wrote

I'm pretty sure it was just the alcohol + me not knowing my tolerance enough.


Sea-Masterpiece5819 t1_iy2xcn1 wrote

Na this is a made up or extremely over exaggerated story weed doesn’t make people hallucinate lol especially not 2 bong rips


deletedcauseitsbad t1_iy2zu22 wrote

I don't smoke anymore because it most definitely made me hallucinate. Gave me almost dream like scenarios in my real world. Shits scary, it's made me throw up because it made me so sick to think about.

An example is one time I had like 2-3 shots and a mikes, I am not exactly a lightweight so I was barely feeling anything by this point so I figured it'd be safe to smoke. 2 TINY puffs of a blunt and I was good. I sat down on the couch and the bullet train from hell came. I closed my eyes and was having a dream of a ferris wheel I was on in the sunset going constantly around. My pov was ~10 feet away from my seat going around with the ferris wheel. I saw this when I closed my eyes, it went away when I opened them. Everytime I blinked it played for what felt like 5 second. Then it started playing on the TV infront of me and in the reflection of the windows. I was hearing my girlfriend talk to me while she was in the bathroom literally on the opposite side of the house. It just kept getting weirder for about an hour. I eventually threw up, like a lot and went to sleep and still woke up high


_Picasso215_ t1_iy4px5n wrote

It effects each person differently. Just because you don't experience it the same way as someone else doesn't mean they are lying. Marijuana is technically capable of making someone hallucinate.


OceanSupernova t1_iy1al2p wrote

Doesn't sound like a fuck up to me. Happy you had a great experience and had someone there to look after you. You had fun, didn't throw up and didn't do anything embarrassing so I'd definitely count that as a win.


b4rigger t1_iy1pl8e wrote

Damn when I drink and smoke I just exist in the purest levels of hell praying to the porcelain god. No enlightenment for me other than I’m never doing that again haha


fredsam25 t1_iy2509n wrote

At Coachella, I ate a brownie made by an idiot, which I guess makes me an idiot too. I made it to the end of the parking lot before the bullet train to hell showed up. I just laid in the grass and watched my world disappear for many lifetimes. I was a worm trying to evolve into something better, but this music festival decided to take place on top of my home. I was terrified of being stepped on. After an hour in human time, I snapped out of it and I could at least move again. Turns out the idiot who made the brownies added 10x a typical dose, something like 50 mg of thc per brownie. It took forever to get back to normal, like over a day. I went 5 years after that before I touched weed again.


SifterRhizochrome t1_iy28hei wrote

One concept that changed everything was understanding how low blood sugar plays a significant role in how weed affected me. Make sure you got your sugars building, be sure to eat something before your tokes, fruit will always be amazing, candy is nice as well, and stay hydrated! My highs have been much more mellow since I’ve been more mindful of my sugars.


Snacksmcgee07 t1_iy1l7ke wrote

This is why i dont smoke. Even the little bit takes me to the depths of hell. I have tried several strands and no matter what the guy behind the counter tells me i still have the same effects. I had one person tell me i have my shit too figured out to even need it and that's why it's magic is reversed on me. Yeah, he smokes a lot. Lol but he made a good point.


lughsezboo t1_iy1swwx wrote

😂🤣 oh thank you! That was so real and true! Wishing you a great week.


ninjewz t1_iy1z9xq wrote

This happened to me the first time I smoked with a bong. Didn't smoke frequently at all but I took an absolutely massive hit and then proceeded to die and basically hallucinate on a bean bag chair for a few hours. That sucked.


ken-d00 t1_iy3nsrd wrote

Grass before beer, in the clear. Beer before grass, on your ass.


BilinguePsychologist t1_iy1u2t8 wrote

That happened to me the first time I hit a gravity bong. Rough times.