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NoNewsAllowed t1_iwufioe wrote

Manipulative is not a word I ever expected to associate with my gf, but her actions recently fits the description perfectly. To be honest, I would've been somewhat more forgiving or understanding towards her reaction if she didn't go as far as to involve my coworker. Not fucking cool.


processedwhaleoil t1_iwuh4d7 wrote

Agreed with the poster above.

Also, the text she sent yoy was super bitchy, absolutely a power play.

So either she's fucking with you to the extent of abuse, or she actually leaves you for your coworker in a particularly cruel way.


chadam2 t1_iwujy9r wrote

Dude my crazy ex did that whole “I’ll decide when to see you” type shit granted I knew she was trying to manipulate me the whole time but I’d suggest you run.


shyllo t1_iwuqsr4 wrote

You gotta detach and do your own thing for a bit. Nothing sassy, bitchy or negative. Just get your own space. Maybe she starts coming back to you maybe not. I would recommend to avoid anything chasing/controlling. Otherwise probably best to let it go.


PBlove t1_iwut5du wrote

Step back for a second, take calm breaths, your both still young and stupid. You don't understand women yet, she doesn't understand guys yet.

Working yourself into a lather won't help.

Just wait and see what the eventual action is, she could be trying to do something nice for you, and teasing you a bit because she is feeling hurt but knows you did nothing wrong, so wants to punish you without punishing you while doing something nice for you to win more of your affection focus and attention.

If that seems confusing... Yea, girls are confusing until you get to know how they think.
