Submitted by Ok-Course3540 t3_z2pjpt in tifu

So first off this is my very first Reddit post so sorry for any weirdness as idk if I’m posting this right but onto the story. I usually partake in a extra circular activity that involves inhaling on a green plant. Sometimes I go a little too hardcore on the munchies and I “gorge” myself in food. Well it’s about thanksgiving and i thought in my impaired state that I should eat up some of the food in my room (live in a dorm) because I’ll be gone pretty much until Sunday (today Wednesday). So I eat a lot and finally go to sleep around 4am (I had laundry and other stuff to do that kept me up late). Well at 8:30am I bolt out of bed like usual because I have IBS so the mornings are my time to shine. Let me say that my next actions are caused entirely by my hand and I have really no excuse. So I’m in the (public) bathroom on my floors dorm going through with a solid #2 and then bam. I’m spewing multiple times all over the tile floor. I haven’t gotten sick in years so to find last nights food on the floor, the spatter on the walls, my foot, and the front of my sleep pants are the main targets. An absolute s**t show. What makes it worse is that I have no physical way of cleaning it up (bathroom doesn’t have paper towels and I don’t have any either), so now I just have to wait and hope that housekeeping doesn’t report it and they try coming to my room to see if I’m okay. Cuz when they figure out I’m okay they’re gonna think bad stuff about me but I’m leaving later today so let’s find out. Will keep updated if I figure out how. Thanks for listening to something super long.

TLDR: I got h**h, gorged on food, got sick in a stall (dorm), now I’ve tucked myself in my room and am afraid to use the bathroom in case I face repercussions because I don’t want them to know I was doing bad stuff so they could kick me out.

UPDATE: It was cleaned and nothing happened although I still see some 👀 but I’m not gonna say anything for obvious reasons ty to everyone who provided comment.



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WHOISTIRED t1_ixhkk2z wrote

Don't be a paranoid idiot. People throw up for many reasons. They're going to clean it up anyways regardless of the reason. You can save yourself the embarrassment of not telling housekeeping, or you can be honest and tell them now that you threw up.


Vast_Reflection t1_ixi85uo wrote

Trust me, the housekeepers at ANY colleges are very, very, very used to finding throw up anywhere and everywhere. At least you were already in the bathroom! :) if you feel really bad, you can chat with them about it and apologize. Otherwise, just try to forget about it. You’re fine and they aren’t going to hate you or anything.