Submitted by NakedByNight t3_z8nayf in tifu

Last night I (17m) fell asleep in my room. It was a long day. Problem was, moments before passing out, I decided to watch porn on my phone. I've managed to avoid masturbating in November. My first attempt at NNN. I had no real reason for doing it other than to see if I could. I came close to breaking my streak last night, but before I could touch my penis, I dozed off.

While asleep, I had a dream. I was soaring through the sky on a Pegasus. The dream turned into an unexpected nightmare when my hands somehow could no longer hold on to my flying horse and I plummeted towards my death. I woke up to my mom wiggling one of my toes as if she was trying to wake me up in the least disruptive manner. She said I was screaming.

At that moment, I realized my dad was in my room too. He agreed with my mom that I was screaming and even demonstrated my scream. The sound he made was something like this: "uh ha AAAAAAHHH!" I said I had a nightmare. My dad asked if my nightmare had something to do with what was on my phone. I had no idea what he was talking about until he pointed to my phone next to my pillow and I noticed it was still playing porn. Gay porn. The video was 4 hours long with another hour left to go.

I instantly switched it off and braced myself for an awkward conversation. My parents asked if I was gay and I said sometimes I like girls and sometimes I like guys. My parents looked at each other like they were trying to figure out how to respond. My dad asked if I shared this information with my gf and I said I've never shared it with anyone until that moment. My dad said if that porn video was any indication, it would seem that I like guys a whole lot, and if that was the case, then I should consider informing my gf.

My mom jumped in and asked if I was doing the things the guys in the porn video were doing. I awkwardly said no and begged my parents to please leave my room so I could get some rest. This is not how I imagined coming out to my parents. Things are weird between us now. This morning at breakfast none of us could look the other in the eye. Even when my mom dropped me at school, no words were spoken in the car. My gf also sensed that something was off, but I have no clue what to tell her.

Tl:dr Fell asleep while watching gay porn on my phone. Had a nightmare. Screamed in my sleep. Woke up my parents, who eventually woke me up and made me aware that my phone was still playing porn. Now my family knows the truth about my sexuality and it's made things extremely awkward.



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mickturner96 t1_iycbpkc wrote

That had so many unexpected twists!!!

Hopefully you'll be able to see the funny side of this one day


macabre_irony t1_iycekfh wrote

" you do the things those guys are doing in the video?"

"not yet..."


Error_Loading_Name t1_iycesgk wrote

That was quite a ride (much like you on the Pegasus, or like the video on the phone).

Your folks sound like they want to be supportive but just got you in an awkward position. Luckily it wasn't with your pants down, so to speak. Be glad they were open to finding out who you are instead of berating you for it.

Some day you will be able to look at them in the eyes again, and maybe even joke about this, but for now be glad it went as well as it did and always put your phone face down with sound off when going to sleep.


[deleted] t1_iycetbu wrote

Sounds like your parents are being the weirdos. Sorry kiddo, how awkward :(


NakedByNight OP t1_iycf8mq wrote

Lol I can't even imagine how my mom would've reacted if I said that. I could tell when she asked that question how completely baffled she was at the realization that it's possible for guys to physically have sex with each other. I don't think she ever thought about it or seen it until she got exposed to my porn.


NakedByNight OP t1_iycg7sf wrote

I don't blame them to be honest. I've been trying to figure out who I am for years and I still don't really know what makes me me. But I've had time to live with the questions and find some of the answers, whereas my mom and dad had to discover and absorb all of that information about me by accident 17 years later. I can understand how that can be a lot for some parents to process, so I can forgive them for being weird, as long as it's not forever.


macabre_irony t1_iycgt6a wrote

I mean, "no" was an honest answer but "not yet" would have been the more accurate answer lol. You're right that she probably didn't think about gay sex much but for sure she knows that it's possible. It might be hard to imagine but your mom was young once too and did all the things young people do so you have to give her some credit. Her baffled look was probably more of her processing that you might be/are gay, plus truly wondering/concerned if you've been doing the deed with other dudes. Anyway, I can't begin to imagine the awkwardness you must be going though but hopefully it gets better from here. Good luck my man...


da_cutti t1_iycigdt wrote

Um, headphones?


BjoerBaer t1_iycnoc9 wrote

So are you gay or Bi? Cause you owe your gf an explanation.

Edit: he owns her an explanation if he is gay since they probably wouldn't be in a healthy 2 way relationship.

But since OP said he likes both I don't think it should be any issue. Maybe it would just be nice to know for her if you guys want to have a threesome sometime.


dreadedhands t1_iycqevl wrote

just say you feel asleep and it might have played automatically (or mistakenly pressed when asleep)


WhiteK1t t1_iycqs1q wrote

Wiggling your toe?? šŸ’€


TerribleRun9476 t1_iycs5r3 wrote

who tf puts on a 4 HOUR porno? better yet...WTF makes a 4-hour porno. wtf. omg. people need to know when to stop. this is too much.


pookiebear6969 t1_iycw9be wrote

Things will probably be awkward for a while. I don't think that your sexual preference has anything to do with it. It's simply because your parents caught you watching any kind of porn. The seem to be open minded people. But they are probably embarrassed by this too lol. I know that I would definitely be embarrassed if I caught my kid watching porn. Or vice versa. It feels intrusive for both parties.


NakedByNight OP t1_iyd0wrz wrote

If I had to put a label on it, I would probably pick bi. I feel like my sexuality is for me to know and for everyone else to learn about me if I'm comfortable sharing that part of me. My sexual attraction towards guys has had no impact on my relationship with my gf. I'm romantically and sexually attracted to her. We're both pro porn in our relationship, so it's not a big secret that I watch porn when she's not present. She does the same. Gay porn gets me off as much as straight porn. Last night just happened to be a gay porn night. That being said, now that my parents know, I do feel pressured to tell my gf about it.


Digi59404 t1_iyd2q29 wrote

OP, donā€™t feel pressured. This is your decision to make and youā€™re right about that. Youā€™re not obligated to share it with your girlfriend. What parts about you that you share, and with whom, is your decision.

That being said.. if you really love your girlfriend and you want a deep relationship with her. If you see that relationship lasting. Part of a successful relationship is opening up to someone and being vulnerable. Sharing those secrets you wouldnā€™t share with others. This is the whole intimacy ā€œin to me you seeā€ kinda stuff. The difference between roommates and partners/lovers. Is that your partner/lover gets parts of you that no one else does.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_iyd2zlb wrote

Maybe he is and maybe he isnā€™t. However OP didnā€™t say anything indicating heā€™s gay as we shouldnā€™t assumed that he was lying to his parents. Straight people watch gay porn and gay people watch straight porn, itā€™s not always an indicator of someone sexuality.


dillybravo t1_iyd34g7 wrote

To me as a parent, sounds like your parents are supportive and also want to give you your own space so aren't about to bring it up again the next morning. So kind of awkward but at the root not a huge deal for them?

I'm sure if you aren't up to it they will take the lead at some point and bring it back up. But if you are up to it and want to broach the subject you have the opportunity to kind of set the frame for the conversation where you want it. I.e. less on trying to pin you down on your sexuality and safe sex practices. And maybe more on how they can support you as you continue to figure out and live your life.


CleaveIshallnot t1_iyd3x2p wrote

You didn't 'f up'.

You're now freer than you've ever been. Unintentional as it might have been, the result is you had the bravery (which shouldn't be necessary, it is & should be a non issue, but times are hopefully changing) to be free, confident & honest to ur parents.

And true to yourself.

Sir, you thus dun succeeded!


NakedByNight OP t1_iyd5yj0 wrote

>Part of a successful relationship is opening up to someone and being vulnerable. Sharing those secrets you wouldnā€™t share with others.

Thank you for pointing that out. This is my first relationship. I'm still learning how to be 100% comfortable sharing parts of me that I don't usually share. I completely agree with you. I want my gf to be in my life for as long as possible, and if I want our love to last long term, then I need to get used to being vulnerable from time to time. I think I'm gonna tell her.


alexcantor t1_iyd7bbt wrote

Haha. Iā€™m the dad in this scenario. 17yo kids jerk off. Dads know that. Mom probably jerks your dad off. They also probably knew you might be gay before you did. You will all get over it.

My only concern is who the hell watches 4 hour long porn? WTF?


Laflaga t1_iydbcha wrote

I didnt know porn movies can go on for 4 hours.


harleyspoison267 t1_iydcagz wrote

Can confirm, partner is a combat vet. Shaking people awake is the best way to get tossed and end up disrupting them a lot more. The least disruptive way you can get their attention the better because when someone is asleep, it doesn't matter who you are because their unconscious mind won't recognize you until awake and that might be too late. Mom did the right thing.


Colbzzzz t1_iyddgdd wrote

Should have just told em it was porn TikTok, when your using it you just swipe past the gay stuff. Rents don't always want to know, mostly just don't know how to help.


trustmeimalinguist t1_iydfwx3 wrote

Iā€™m 30F and my parents caught me looking at Playboy when I was like 10 (I didnā€™t realize internet history was a thing). I blamed it on one of my friends. The whole thing was super horrifying for me, they are very old fashioned.

Iā€™m bisexual and I didnā€™t feel comfortable coming out to anybody until I was an adult. You donā€™t need to disclose this to anyone until youā€™re ready, either. Including anyone you decide to date. Just because weā€™re bi, it doesnā€™t mean weā€™re more prone to cheating or that it says anything about our attraction to our current partners of any gender.


harleyspoison267 t1_iydlu43 wrote

Yeah, my partner isn't usually like that unless things are bad, but if he gets startled awake it takes him an hour or two to fully relax after so it's definitely not a good way to start the day, especially if i need something urgently. I usually get in bed next to him and rub his back, that way he sort of understands it's me.

Apparently, a little while after he got back, his ex wife thought she could wake him up aggressively in front of their friends (he was dozing on the couch or something) and they all fold her not to but she thought it would be different for her. It was not. Apparently it didn't end well. He's not usually violent though, just easily startled.


MotoHULK t1_iydsfll wrote

At least it wasn't midget porn.


noahlizard7 t1_iydzgbm wrote

I'm sorry that you're a victim of underaged porn, I hope that you can break away from it. I promise that you're better off never watching porn again


Both_Organization854 t1_iyeenb1 wrote

Breakfast could have been a lot more awkward if breakfast sausage was served.


Pixieled t1_iyeir65 wrote

When I was in the Navy I (a 5'0" female) I would have to go into male berthing to wake up my watch relief pretty often. We had one guy who would wake up swinging so I would just pull back his curtain and swish a flashlight beam across his face until he woke up. Light is the safest tool for that job IME. wholly effective and provides lots of distance.


frozen_lemons t1_iyepx4k wrote

>ā€œI said sometimes I like girls and sometimes I like guys.ā€œ

You are probably bisexual then


harleyspoison267 t1_iyevuoo wrote

That's a good idea! A couple times things have gotten ugly or he's been hard to wake up, I've had to throw water on him... Wakes him up every time to the real world, but never in a good mood lol.


harleyspoison267 t1_iyf62sy wrote

Hahaha that would be funny! The one time I just wet my fingertips and flicked toward his face so it was pretty minimal, another time I put a cold rag on him, but there was a time where things were more dire and I was starting to get pissed (he was moving and speaking but not really conscious) so I did actually kinda throw water from a distance and move away. He has a very aggressive face when he first wakes up just normally (baby sis stays with us sometimes and calls it his Murder Face) but he was definitely more angry than normal those times!


aussie_nub t1_iyf9pqv wrote

What parents should have done:

"Hey son, can you please turn off your porn. You're not in trouble but we still need to discuss this later, but for now, turn it off and get some sleep."

Regroup and have the conversation about the content the next day. Also about porn consumption in general.