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macrone13 t1_ix8okc1 wrote

Sometimes if you don’t eat properly or are coming down with something, alcohol can hit you differently. I’ve had occasions where my tolerance is half of what it would normally be just due to those factors. Could this be the case? The fact that you were blackout and have no memory of anything makes me think it could be drugging though….


Freerz OP t1_ix8os5r wrote

I don’t think that’s the case. We ate a lot at dinner. Do find myself having a cough today though, but I don’t really think Im sick either.


GelbeForelle t1_ix9dy07 wrote

Honestly? You spent the whole day preparing stuff for her birthday. Even if you made a mistake and went over your limit, you showed how much you care and imo the least she could do is honor that by giving you a second chance there. And that's assuming this is what happened. Best case would be that she at least considers your story. Personally, she comes off as a little selfish. We weren't there and only heard your story, though. Wishing you the best on clearing things up