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imanon33 t1_ix94ypl wrote

The speed that I blacked out was what scared me the most. Every other time I've lost time or had fuzzy memories from drinking (maybe 3 times my whole life) the descent was very slow and I had every opportunity to stop to prevent it. This was like a light switch. Super scary.


Diiiiirty t1_ixb1zst wrote

Yep, happened to me too. You go from remembering everything to remembering nothing. Like someone cut out that swatch of time with scissors. I only know about the shit I did because my friends were with me and thought I was just wasted. I was with a group of friends, including several attractive girls, at a shitty crowded dive bar in a sketchy college town and had 2 drinks. It was also quarter draft night and the group I was with would buy 20 beers at a time and they were served to us in open cups on a cafeteria tray. I think our group had 3 trays stacked on top of each other before we even started drinking. Didn't take long for me to piece together what had happened to me. I took a roofie bullet intended for one of the girls.

What I haven't been able to figure out is why? Even if the responsible person managed to drug one of the girls instead of my ugly ass, what was their play? She was with a group of like 15 people, at least 8 or 9 of whom were gigantic men. I played football in college and hung out with a bunch of linebackers and defensive linemen. I'm a pretty big dude by most people's standards and I was the smallest guy the group. So what was the next move that wouldn't result in the assailant dying?