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layzguy t1_iwmvhw0 wrote

I might get down voted to hell for this, but how is this too early?? Relationships now move pretty fast. It’s not wrong or a fuck up to want to establish boundaries early in to the relationship. That’s how you just weed out people who will inadvertently end up wasting your time if you’re both looking for different things. Sounded like he just wanted to keep things simple where you wanted something more serious. Having your boundaries or wants of a relationship brought out in the open means you each start establishing your intentions for the relationship.

I’ve had people establish their boundaries by the first or second date and it caught me off guard for sure. But it’s starting to become a norm now, don’t see anything wrong with it. If you’re FaceTiming and texting everyday for a month, I really don’t see how that was early. Everyone will be different, everyone will be used to different things. And for sure everyone will be looking for different things. It’s just a matter of putting it out there so you know you find someone that wants the same level of relationship you are looking for.