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licalier OP t1_iwy5pd1 wrote

I'm thinking this the most likely outcome as she is not a saint. Yes. But I'm also hoping she will give me the chance to at least apologise.


Useful_Experience423 t1_iwylggr wrote

No one should have to be a saint to put up with their partner. That’s abuse.

I appreciate what you did was a one off, but you called her unattractive in front of alllll your friends. I don’t see how her self esteem can come back from that, unless she’s from an abusive background where she’s been taught to swallow her own feelings for others’ comfort.

Time to either get into therapy, or take this stuff about mean girls to your grave. Preferably both.


RoanDragonKing t1_iwzg8fr wrote

You mean doormat? No reason a "saint" should stick around after that either.

I get you were drunk. That doesnt actually excuse shit though. It is only made slightly less bad bc it doesnt look like you drank on purpose. You still said what you said though. Doesnt make it less hurtful.


turdennis t1_iwzigcq wrote

she is not a saint?? why are you finding a way to blame her for being upset about the awful things you said to her? It's ur own damn fault that she is upset, not because she's not a "saint".


Spearsy23 t1_ix0eqj7 wrote

I think he meant it as in only a saint would find it in them to forgive him