Submitted by fuck-alia-iacta-est t3_z2x4vi in tifu

disclaimer in response to comments: I fully agree with those who mention this is a rambling nonsensical mess and understand doubts that I'm a native speaker of English. I believe any reasonable person who reads through this will have the same response u/jasonchicago did,

>”Jesus Christ. Reading this took 10 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.“
>I hope you don't take this negatively but the reality is I didn't write this for u/jasonchicago or for you. I wrote this for me. For about two years 90% of my contact was with her and her parents who are, in my opinion, bullies. I've never been held hostage but I think I understand how Stockholm Syndrome / groupthink works now. This Jew has a new level of sympathy and understanding for Germans who went along with the Nazis; when the people who you have the most contact with and who you presume to be good people sprinkle positive reinforcement in with bullying and slowly try to isolate you from your family it can be surprisingly effective and subtle in the moment.
>This post and all of the posts that I appended were stream of consciousness attempts to just collect my thoughts and recognize how fucked up the situation became over time. I find it absolutely confounding that it appears a biglaw litigator with multiple ivy league degrees and cell phone numbers for federal judges was texting me a few hours ago pretending to be her brother from her own cell phone, lied to me about problems with building management, and then got mad at me for "causing problems for her" by way of calling the management office in an attempt to resolve the problems that she alleged existed. I've also heard her and her father discussing whether they should lie to a newly minted federal judge about her plans for her clerkship though so while it remains confounding, I can't be too surprised.
>There was no copyediting, no ghostwriting, and I haven't gone back to revise them beyond glaring spelling mistakes highlighted by my browswer as I type. Yes, I'm leaving that one there because I think it's funny in context. At some point maybe I'll come back and make this coherent, it's probably more likely I'll just keep being happy and never think about the situation again outside of therapy.


tl;dr It was a mistake to give a girl I'd seen once before cash to get her to stop abusing United Airlines customer service reps who couldn't just waive her flight change fee. Just moved out and rebuilding my life.

Our first date was in NY late Dec, we had matched on Hinge and she said she was always back in New York and would be moving back in Feb; both of these turned out to be a lie.

Our second date was her friend's wedding in Philly, I was in my last semester of business school and took the train down, she flew from Oklahoma. We overslept on the day of departure and she missed her flight.

She called United to get on a later flight and when the rep told her that she would have to pay a fee (COVID policies weren't a thing yet) she started screaming. At 30 years old she was terrified her dad would see the charge and that wasn't something she could deal with. She mentioned how often she took the airline, she'd never had a problem like this, in hindsight it was textbook bullshit. He's an abusive helicopter parent whose daughter (now) in biglaw feels powerless to stop from taking >$100k out of her bank account without her permission.

I had to catch my train back to NY and liked her, it didn't feel right to leave her screaming so I gave her the money. Fucking idiot I am didn't even realize that meant her dad would see the charge anyway.

Copying and pasting from a post on another subreddit where I discussed this for context. I asked the moderators to remove it because it blew up on that subreddit and I didn't want to risk her seeing it blow up.

>Moving from the apt I share with my [33m] abusive ex [31f] tomorrow. Seeking advice on what to say to highlight how to escape her parents' abuse/be happy. What can I tell her on my way out?
>Thank you all for the great feedback, I truly appreciate it. Got the feedback I was hoping for so asking mods to remove this post.
>edit2: People seem to think talking to her is a bad move. How about writing her a letter and leaving it with her? Is that still a terrible idea?
>edit 1: Because everyone who has replied so far has said to just stonewall her: She's verbally and physically abused me, I took that and that's on me. Right now I'm trying to move forward with my life with the knowledge that I didn't let her being terrible to me make me be terrible to her. I don't want to become mean/uncaring like she has been and her parents are. I appreciate the feedback and it's making me rethink this but the idea of leaving with "goodbye, wish you the best," feels wrong.
>I'm going no contact from the point I'm out the door but am going to have to live with the knowledge of how/whether I let her and her parents affect me and how I treat people. I'm trying not to let myself down. I care about people, that's part of who I am and I don't want to start the rest of my life not doing that.
>This is fucking terrible. The worst part might be that the past few days she's been so sweet, I know it won't last but I can't help being hopeful it would if I wasn't about to leave. I posted originally on another account, I've been advised that, like staying in this apartment as long as I have, doing that reflected poor judgement and so I'm posting on a throwaway. In that vein, I've adjusted inconsequential details.
>We have been together in some form for 3 years, broken up since April 2022
>I don't want to rehash things she's done to me or put her on the defensive, I want to highlight past events to the extent they are illustrative but I really just want her to recognize what she is doing wrong/how she can be better and be the wonderful person she is when not having an episode.
>High level:
>She jumps from happy and silly to verbally and physically abusive at the drop of a hat
>Relationship ending because she wouldn't spend time with our families so I wouldn't propose. We live within blocks of my brothers and an hour of both of our families.
>Her parents are somewhere between burying their head in their sand to the point of gross negligence and abusive
>She gets mad at me for defending her to her parents; like she yells and screams at me whenever I bring up that her parents shouldn't be nasty to her
>Things I want to communicate to her:
>Be the partner you want
>Let your partner talk to you, don't sit there screaming "I can't breathe" when you hear something you don't like to shut the conversation down
>You can't live your life as a COVID hermit
>When your parents are nasty to you, you shouldn't accept it and you deserve better
>You need to acknowledge when you do things wrong
>You can't nickel and dime someone and expect them to feel good about continuing to spend money on you without thinking about it
>You can't hurt people
>Ways to "win" a fight don't include: 1) biting yourself, 2) screaming, 3) calling your parents to bully your partner, 4) lying on your bed screaming "HELP CALL THE COPS STOP HURTING ME" to try and get the neighbors to notice
>There are no winners in fights
>Previous things I wrote on another account for context:
>I feel like my ex's mother is gaslighting me
>We started dating in Dec 2019, Moved in together Nov 2021, and kept breaking up/making up until April 2022 when she started threatening my family's dogs. Since last November she has slept in the master and I have been sleeping on a pull out couch in the second bedroom. Somehow she's become most aggravated when I've stayed away from the apartment which I've tried to make a habit of, especially over the summer at my parents' house, at the beach, etc... Our lease is up this month so very soon there won't be a reason for her mother to contact me at all.
>I'm an idiot
>At a number of points since April we've discussed continuing to live together which makes me feel like an idiot given that the breakup was preceded by, let's just say really bad behavior. I think she has a good heart and when she's nice she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met, unfortunately her dad doesn't like not getting his way and becomes abusive/withholding when she doesn't toe the line. His actions cause her to have episodes and she takes it out on me. This is how I've come to understand and describe the situation through conversations with an amazing friend who is a Social Worker and told me I need to see a therapist specializing in PTSD-C and MDD. I don't have a fucking clue precisely what that means but I know what PTSD is and I can't say my impression of what she said feels wrong.
>She yells and has episodes
>My response to constant— we're talking daily to the point where I am afraid to come out of my bedroom and put up multiple security cameras in here because she's *less* violent in front of them — verbal abuse/violence has never been to do anything other than to try and calm her down. The yelling is terrible, like it hurts to hear. The doormen of our building came up to our unit at one point in response to neighbors' complaints about her screaming for help. I answered the door, they probably had expected I was beating her and seemed surprised that while I stood with them the screaming was continuing. I motioned for them to come in and look because, frankly, I wanted there to be witnesses that I wasn't hurting her. She was sitting at her desk screaming into her cell phone with her parents at the other end because of something they had said or did, I don't remember what it was in that instance.
>Her dad is mean to the point that I just feel bad for him
>I realized her dad might be a bad person/had been abusing me in an attempt to break me down to get me to propose to her when I went to Tiffany's on Wall Street (my first time going to look at a ring in any relationship), came back with brochures in English and Chinese excited to talk about it, and was told "if you were serious you would have come back with a ring."
>He thinks I should have proposed to her a while ago despite her refusing to spend time with family; she has never met my youngest brother who lives five blocks away from where I am right now and hid in the bathroom the one time she allowed him to come over.
>At that point we had known one another for about 2.25 years, been living in New York within an hours drive of both of our families, and had spent no more than 30-45 minutes with any members of our family present. Since COVID hit she has refused to go outside and to the best of my knowledge she hasn't had a meal with anyone in her family in over three years or left the apartment building I'm sitting more than three dozen times in the past two years; I do not remember the last time she left the floor our apartment is on but I would be surprised if it hasn't been months. I wanted to make things work with her but she'd skipped my brother's wedding saying she had COVID and believe she faked a positive COVID test in an attempt to get me not to go spend his birthday with my family. I have a great deal of love for her but it felt wrong to keep moving forward with someone who refused to spend time with our families.
>Seriously though, her dad has episodes of his own and he motivates her to behave badly as well.
>I realized her dad was definitely a bad person when she texted my mother at midnight saying she was going to abandon my family's dogs in the hallway because I wasn't in the apartment with her. My mother drove into Manhattan in a panic and arrived at the building as I was arriving home. She had not yet followed through and claimed at the time her dad had told her to do it, he's denied it but he's lied about a number of things that could make him look opportunistic and/or like a sociopath.
>I'm fortunate to have had parents I never saw fight, raise a hand to me, or be nasty to me so I might have a skewed perspective but the things he has said to her are the WORST. I've heard him tell her that he would disown her if she didn't listen to him, he never wanted to speak to her again, he has cursed at her endlessly, and frequently after she hangs up on him while he is being nasty, he calls back to get one last gratuitously mean jab in before hanging up again after hearing her start to cry. It. Is. Fucking. Heartbreaking. I'm not angry at the man and I don't hate him, I just hope he can find it in himself to be kind to his daughter whose only offenses against him are acting towards him the way he acts towards other people; she clearly inherited his issues. Sidenote: he's an MD and if he treated other patients the way he treats her (there are a number of prescriptions he wrote for her around the apartment) I fully believe he would be stripped of his medical license in the fallout.
>I didn't expect to write that much, I really haven't written any of this out before.
>Anyway, this is what happened today and precipitated the attached texts
>Ex is sitting in her bedroom talking to her father. I'd been sitting with her earlier in the day and it had just been nice/she was being kind so when I had a minute I came back to sit with her, I heard him say "this is why I don't want to talk to you" and he hung up. She seemed upset so I mentioned it wasn't okay for her to be treated like that, she shouldn't let it upset her because her dad is always being abusive.
>She. Flipped. The. Fuck. Out.
>She started screaming and crying that I was saying nasty things and for the first time I heard her say that she defends her family. It's relevant to note that my first encounter with her parents was to mediate a fight between them, they have had a hairtrigger love-hate relationship the entire time I have known them and two days ago she was crying because she was afraid of her father taking her money out of her bank account if she didn't do what he said.
>Anyway, she calls her mother screaming that I'm saying "terrible nasty things about her father" and the two of them shit talk my family and I for about 20 minutes while I stand there silently wanting to correct her misrepresentations to her mother but not wanting to goad them. I learned a long time ago there is no point in arguing with them because they are incapable of being wrong and challenging that assumption led to the first (of what would be many instances) where I heard someone say without a trace of irony, "Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me that way?"
>I walked away and the texts with her mother that followed have me doubting my own sanity.


**another post

>Ex is hiding from the world because she's embarrassed she's gained weight; her father and I both agree this is why she refused to spend time with our families/friends and things started going downhill
>Friends told me she had started getting a bit chubby a month or two before I met her. I saw it continue with too much takeout/inactivity.
>As she kept gaining weight she became depressed, embarrassed of her body, and cut herself off from the world. She stopped going into an office, refused to see her family, and wouldn't go outside her/later our apartment. At first this didn't raise concern because it was peak COVID but as the world started up again she refused to do the same. She started screaming at me when I would take pictures where she was even in the frame. We stopped having sex because she didn't want me to see her without baggy clothes on. She stopped showering consistently. I tried to get her to talk to someone or join my own therapy sessions and her parents to get her to talk to someone.
>From March 2019-April 2022 I consistently tried to get her to go running with me, go to the gym, come out for dog walks and eat better. When she asked me if I wanted a second lunch if I pointed out that we had just had lunch or breakfast a few hours earlier she would get just... mean. Everything became my fault because there was so much rage and the situation got bad enough before she tried to solve it that by the time she was forced to admit there was a problem it was so bad that she couldn't face it without lashing out. She fractured her ankle standing up from her desk chair at 2 in the morning, started screaming at me when I wanted to take her to the Emergency Room, and only let me take her after multiple very very painful attempts at walking it off.
>By September of last year she had gotten bad enough that, in hindsight, it was probably inevitable that she would end up with an injury because her body wasn't used to carrying so much weight around. Her parents were still kind to me at that point and I spoke with them often, typically to mediate fights between them. They told me that she was depressed because she didn't see a commitment from me and had been dating for a year and a half-ish at that point but that if I moved in with her she would stop being so depressed/upset and start getting better. I really fucking wanted her to get better and am, for lack of a technical term, negligently optimistic so I did. This was, in hindsight, a stupid fucking move.


**another post

>Can I avoid disclosing that leg injury was caused by metal thermoflask being thrown at me without compromising doctor's ability to evaluate it properly? Alternately, can I ensure doctor will not contact authorities regarding domestic violence situation?
>I'm days away from moving out of an apartment where I live with my ex, she and her family have been verbally abusive and she has been physically abusive, openly since February. To be clear, I've never done anything to her or defended myself beyond retreating into my bedroom and she hasn't broken the lock on the door since March so I do feel safe here for the short time I have remaining. About two days ago she had an episode and threw a metal thermoflask which wasn't entirely full but had a decent amount of ice/water in it at me and it hit my leg. She'd previously done this with a variety of objects but they were all plastic and didn't do much. My leg hurts where the bottle hit me when I walk and I'm concerned about possible damage/would like to get it checked out. I know that if there is a material injury it's important to get that done quickly. Frankly I'm terrified that if I go to the doctor now and disclose how I got hurt as I've always done when following up on \*normal/sports-related\* injuries they might be obligated to contact the police. Based on what I'm feeling now and having been treated for waterskiing/hockey related injuries I would be surprised if they won't look to do an x-ray and/or MRI.
>\-I know that earlier this year when she fractured her ankle by standing up they asked her if I had hurt her, is that something that is standard or required? Can I simply decline to explain the injury if asked?
>\-Is there a way I can explain this injury that would not implicate her? The impact point is about half way up my right tibia centered about 30* clockwise (assume the "top" of my leg when sitting with legs extended is 0*. I can't think of a way that I would be able explain the nature of the impact given that I don't usually have metal water bottles flying at me.
>\-I know there's no good way to answer this but does this sound like the type of injury that could wait a few days to get to a doctor to see without risking aggravating it? I'm scheduled to move within days (she doesn't know this) and I would be much much less anxious about potentially having to disclose what happened if I wouldn't have to be around her afterwards. Spending any time near or around her after she potentially got a call or visit from law enforcement would be an absolute nightmare to the point I would go stay in a hotel if it wasn't for the fact that I need to finish getting my stuff organized so that when the movers show up it's ready to be boxed and carried quickly.
>Thank you for your advice. My details: 6' tall, 180 lbs, caucasian, leg injury, two days, no existing medical issues, sudafed-d and tremfaya, drink socially, do not use recreational drugs or smoke.


**a comment that gets to the heart of how she is when shes having an episode

>90% agree. Fact of the matter is I really like her youngest brother, he's the one most at risk from it. The situation is completely divorced from me aside from the fact that from a legal perspective my only exposure to her in absolute terms is that she could make things up and lie to try and get revenge on me for ruining her life by not proposing to her which, because I'm an idiot, I would have done if we had spent a single fucking weekend at the beach with my family. This isn't related to this post but we're here so what the fuck.
>"You and your brothers should be dead, not your father."
>"Your father dying was karma because you hurt yourself." (note: I did that in 2013, started getting help for myself, and have not had an incident since then)
>"My family is better than your family, that's why we're all alive."
>"I'm calling the cops. Who do you think they'll believe, you or me?"
>When she's having an episode the things she says range from downright cruel to inhumane. I only consider things like the anecdote about her brothers important insofar as they would be helpful in the event she did decide to try and make things up/lie/harass me because in that case my best general defense would be to demonstrate her/her family's tendency to lie and misrepresent facts to their own advantage and the fact that they don't give a fuck who they hurt or what the effects of the damage are as long as it benefits them.




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charlesmunger_ t1_ixinquy wrote

So you slept with her and then paid her in the hotel room?


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixinumk wrote

Technically correct


wtfisthepoint t1_ixj32f5 wrote

Clearly you need to focus on yourself bro


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjlgrb wrote

That's why I'm here, this is the rubicon show.


wtfisthepoint t1_ixjm5ky wrote

So why do you think that you would have put up with such behavior for so long? Do you have any clue as to why you think you don’t matter? That’s what I meant.


yumirow t1_ixip0uk wrote

Lol, get a restraining order mate


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixipkul wrote

Don't want to antagonize her so won't unless it's necessary but have had a lawyer on retainer since March, that will be requested immediately if necessary. She doesn't know where I live now.

Her dad started threatening to have me put on a psychiatric hold because I wanted to call an ambulance for her when she couldn't walk and I stopped accepting that she could be terrible to me while also having me do everything for her.


DigitalTraveler42 t1_ixiv221 wrote

Bro he's a psychopath, you need to record yourselves in every conversation you have with them all just to cover your own ass, and you should escape this nightmare before it becomes worse for you.

There is no redemption in this situation, your gf is a broken person and it's the parents fault, so now they need to deal with her on their own.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixiw24t wrote

I'm in a new apartment already, the post I quoted is from a week and a half ago. Sorry for not being clear, will make an edit.


BrightNooblar t1_ixix7bc wrote

Speaking as both a middle manager, and someone who got out of a toxic/abusive relationship.




If you don't want to antagonize her by getting a restraining order that fine. But figure out what a restraining order requires, and get everything totally set up. Talk to the cops about it NOW so they have a record, and include that conversation in a contact tracker with her.


She texts you? Summarize in the contact tracker. She threatens you? Summarize and highlight. She calls you? Summarize in the tracker, send a text confirming that summary. Just a "Hey, just wanna make sure I remember that call right. You said I could pick up the yearbook I forgot Saturday around 2, right?" in text where its very plain on re-read.


You're better off spending hours on a tracker you don't need, than years saddled with a problem because you didn't have enough documentation to support yourself from willful/accidental miscommunication, ESPECIALLY with a hostile ex.


marcelyns t1_ixizd3z wrote

The only thing that matters out of all of this - SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE NOW. Block her on everything and get some intensive therapy. Congrats on moving away from her!


[deleted] t1_ixiqvp5 wrote



fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixirt6l wrote

>You can’t have your future kids growing up in that world.

Verizon installer said something very similar to me. You know you fucked up when even the FIOS guy sees something is wrong and tries to help.

We broke up in April. In early May she told me she would move out at the beginning of June. That turned out to be a lie. I was going to spend most of the summer at the beach anyway so I figured I would look for an apartment when I stopped being able to spend time there.

I didn't have the perspective to just up and move out, at first I thought/hoped that she would at least get better. That doesn't seem to have worked out as well as I'd hoped, another FU.


Wiggy_0000 t1_ixj1x2u wrote

I would imagine those installer guys do see a lot of shit. They have to be all up in your house sometimes so I would imagine they see everything.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjm1xw wrote

He was talking about his wife/from personal experience unfortunately. Very nice guy.


pinuslaughus t1_ixj0ndg wrote

Your story is incoherent gibberish.


gabeman t1_ixjeisn wrote

Glad I'm not the only one who couldn't make sense of it. Maybe rewrite it as a coherent story, rather than copy/pasting a bunch of Reddit posts that don't go together...?


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjmafn wrote

I added a warning at the top, I'm sorry that I didn't put it up at first. Frankly, I'm posting this for myself as an add-on to therapy. Maybe I'll do that at some point but I think it's equally as likely I just let it all stay in the past.


UtopianLibrary t1_ixjq2ku wrote

I have no idea which woman he is referring to. He broke up with a girl who has codependency issue and BPD, but he screwed up because he gave a second woman money for a flight change?

Also, which woman is the one with the crazy family. I have absolutely no idea what this person is saying. The story has no chronology or character names.


jasonchicago t1_ixjc0u2 wrote

Jesus Christ. Reading this took 10 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.


Frickelmeister t1_ixjmk3i wrote

That's a lot less than the three years OP will never get back


SalmonNgiri t1_ixjnvwx wrote

This was brilliant entertainment for me sitting at my airport gate.


rmprice222 t1_ixj44k8 wrote

Dawg you need therapy to find out why you stuck around so long.


Glenster118 t1_ixji9af wrote

Dude, no hate or whatever, English might not be your first language, BUT

Fuck that entire rambling-ass nonsensical story and the time it stole from me.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjie7c wrote

I get that, posting here mostly because it helps me sort through my thoughts. It's a lot to process. At some point maybe I'll make it coherent and come back. Right now this is just an add on to therapy.


SkittlesAreYum t1_ixjmnkd wrote

I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


monkeywaffles t1_ixjf2kv wrote

>Moved in together Nov 2021, and kept breaking up/making up until April 2022 when she started threatening my family's dogs. Since last November she has slept in the master and I have been sleeping on a pull out couch in the second bedroom

you made it less than a month before sleeping in different rooms is impressive


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjg89p wrote

We need a word to express the concept of impressively terrible. Think like [newword] : impressive :: infamous : famous


DigitalTraveler42 t1_ixivgbq wrote

I bet you the crimes this family has done to this girl go far beyond just holding her hostage economically, the father has probably absolutely abused her physically and sexually, and even if he hasn't, she's been shown that these tantrums she throws gets her way for the most part.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixj855r wrote

Our apartment was full of prescriptions for things like antibiotics in her mother's name, seems like they're stockpiling on the insurance company's dime


DigitalTraveler42 t1_ixja1de wrote

They sound like a complete nightmare, best of luck separating yourself from all of that.


AJ56 t1_ixj1hmk wrote

What a confusing load of crap. Too long and incoherent.


BleedingTeal t1_ixivjil wrote

There is nothing wrong with wanting to try and help others to see things about themselves or their lives that they don’t see. But:

  1. it isn’t your responsibility to be that person for other people

  2. you can’t help those who refuse to help themselves

  3. protecting yourself and protecting your heart from people who are reckless & careless with it is always a good decision

  4. having your own boundaries on how it is you will be treated by others of the best form of self care there is

Do not beat yourself up for the mistakes of your past. Instead learn from them, grow because of them, and become the best version of yourself you can. There is a path from where you are now to a place where you are unimaginably happy with a loving and supportive partner. It is up to you to do the work to move past where you are now and to find that path.

I wish you luck, OP.


But_in_a_funny_way t1_ixitczj wrote

That's fucked up in so many levels. Run. Hide. Disappear. Don't look back.


DarthCorleone t1_ixjnroj wrote

One day you will look back on this and have a hard time understanding why you put so much time and energy into this person. There probably won't be an answer, besides naivety.

Hopefully something good can come from this. You now have a much better understanding of what a healthy relationship should or shouldn't be. You will heal and be stronger. One day you will meet someone and be amazed at how effortless the relationship is. You will pinch yourself wondering how you found someone so wonderful. You will breathe a sigh of relief every time you have a minor disagreement and it doesn't end in screaming.

Her mental illness is not her fault, but it is her responsibility.


PeachPreserves66 t1_ixjhi7a wrote

There is a lot to unpack from what you posted and I am a bit confused about the timelines. But, if I understand correctly, you have moved out and now live in your own apartment (hopefully withe the dogs; they can be so healing to be around). At some point you said that you were going no contact, but it almost seems like that isn’t the case? If you are not no contact, please go there immediately. Do not let your ex or her toxic family keep dragging you back into their drama. I get it, this situation has been an enormous part of your life for three years. And it is hard to stop engaging in it, to stop defending yourself. To quote an overused bit of advice, “Don’t let them live rent-free inside your head.”

Block every one of them. Do not engage. Breathe in the freedom and stop dwelling on the past. Continue therapy and work on learning how to avoid similar relationships in the future. You sound like a good person.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjnyx7 wrote

Sofie passed unfortunately (about six months after she threatened to abandon the dogs in the hallway) but she was happy/waddling/wagging her tail until the end; she had a stroke while she was sleeping. Lizzie is still doing great.

I've blocked her family and am allowing limited contact with her because the reality is we have a shared legal responsibility for the apartment through the next several days.


HoldThePao t1_ixjnhy0 wrote

Just came her to comment that I spent more time reading comments and seeing OPs weird replies then the post itself. But from what I gathered, a whole lotta stupid is going on .


champagne_pants t1_ixjhq84 wrote

You aren’t an idiot for staying - you say that a few times and that’s something you shouldn’t take on. You aren’t responsible here, you were abused by her and you deserve to be treated appropriately.

I’m sorry you went through this, I’m glad you’re safe and I hope you’re able to get treatment and never go back to her.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjo4pd wrote

That's kind to say and I appreciate the sentiment but for me at least I don't want to let myself off the hook, I'm naturally a very trusting person and if nothing else I'm walking away from this with better perspective on how to treat people based on how they treat me.

Thank you <3


Gow87 t1_ixjkzo5 wrote

I can relate to this except I bought the ring, got married and then handed over half of everything I'd worked for when we separated... You did the right thing get out and get your life back.

It took me a long time to realise that just because my now ex wife was clearly and repeatedly abused, it didn't stop her from also being an abuser. She was both victim and perpetrator.

Same story - helicopter, controlling parents resulting in her severe depression and anxiety. Her actions cutting me off entirely from my friends and family. The only difference is that it wasn't her dad, it was her mum who was the problem.

I'm almost certain her she was textbook narcissistic personality disorder.

You might doubt your decision every now and then but it's the right one. Stay safe.


owera1211 t1_ixisn2f wrote

Now, does Barney's scale check out?


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixitwf7 wrote

She's very depressed (not surprisingly/which contributed to this) and has gained weight but I don't see it when I look at her


lpzimmermann t1_ixjfc7u wrote

Oh boy... this reminds me too much of my ex which is a mild version of yours. The best of luck to you mate, glad you moved out and can build a better life now!


Tretrue3 t1_ixjjz1h wrote

Holy hell man, so glad you’re finally escaping this. I feel so much for you and tbh, you’re a better man than me. I’d have 3 life sentences by now if i were in your shoes. God speed, sounds like it’s good vibes and great times ahead!


Maels t1_ixjhhqv wrote

sometimes it takes 4 slaps


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjnm3p wrote

It took

  • lying* on her bed screaming that I was hurting her, the neighbors should call the cops, flipping me off, and reminding me "Who do you think they'll believe" while I was several feet away from her
  • switching from throwing plastic gatorade bottles to insulated water bottles

to get me to go from "maybe I can ride out the lease" to "no" - I found and moved into my current place inside of five days


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_ixis3q0 wrote

I feel bad for her parents. I mean wtf kinda monster did they raise? Their “hair trigger love hate relationship” is probably because their child is a complete bitch.

Edit: Though the father is shitty for having control of her bank account, it’s completely understandable because of how his daughter behaves.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixise4j wrote

Not to say she isn't responsible for what she does but her parents raised her to be this way, they are the root cause of her problems. They abused her/continue to do so and she doesn't seem to understand how to be in a relationship without being abusive.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_ixismex wrote

Which is extremely unfortunate. Toxicity brings more toxicity. I’m glad you got out of that relationship. It’s best to stay away from fires.


[deleted] t1_ixjh9ux wrote



fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjn0bq wrote

I definitely did that at one point, I don't anymore. ESH.

I'm at fault for letting it happen and not pulling the ripcord when (I hate this term)red flags showed, she's at fault for continuing to refuse to be an independent adult, and her parents are at fault for raising her to refuse to be an independent adult.


[deleted] t1_ixjo5wn wrote



fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjpjs6 wrote

It doesn't have to in some ways at least thankfully

I feel you re:MDs, part of my reality is that my dad died five years ago because a doctor "misdiagnosed" a condition which happened to give that doctor a pretext to install an expensive, profitable device in his chest.

There are definitely shitty people who only cause misery. Part of why I'm comfortable with just ignoring them as opposed to pursuing something (both criminal+civil) is the knowledge that even though I could completely blow up their little world there is nothing I or anyone could possibly do to fuck them worse than they fuck themselves. They're miserable now, I could make them marginally more miserable but the cost would be my own happiness. They aren't worth it; on top of that when you make it apparent to a person who loves to say "do you know who I am" that they aren't worth your time or energy pisses them off just a bit more too.


finetobacconyc t1_ixisqit wrote

"Do not try to rescue someone who does not want to be rescued, and be very careful about rescuing someone who does."

- Jordan Peterson


algonquinroundtable t1_ixivdiu wrote

I don't know if you know but this guy is a misogynistic idiot who really doesn't have any useful life advice and def shouldn't be quoted or even listened to.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixiwfhi wrote

I don't know who Jordan Peterson is but even bad people are right sometimes


Bard_B0t t1_ixizrya wrote

He's a clinical psychologist who entered the political sphere. For several years he had perfectly reasonable advice. He then had an extremely adverse reaction to a prescribed medication, and after his recovery, he went off the deep end a little bit and started talking a whole lot outside his realm of expertise.

He's a decent guy, claims of various x-ism's are mostly made up or can only be arrived through very subjective or personal interpretations.

Here is a video by him relevant to your issues that can give you a little to chew on. Judge for yourself.


iBscs t1_ixj1n08 wrote

That's a bold claim. He certainly has useful life advice and can be quoted as a psychology professional, even though you may not personally agree with some or many of his perspectives. But to dismiss him by saying he's an idiot shows that you aren't a reasonable person to argue with anyways, therefore, your very own opinion should be taken with a grain of salt by the readers here.


finetobacconyc t1_ixivsn1 wrote

ok imagine that the name wasn't put under the quote. would the quote make sense given this situation?


algonquinroundtable t1_ixixk01 wrote

Whether it does or it doesn't, I personally prefer to get my relationship advice from someone who doesn't use their platform to spew hate. There is so much good advice out there that we don't need to be quoting hateful people (and in the process teaching someone, or maybe several someones, about a person they should all stay far the fuck away from).


jayareelle195 t1_ixiocva wrote

Be an alpha and cut your losses. Physically distance yourself as much as possible. There's no redeeming quality here other than she's probably hot and you feel too hot for you. That's not enough and you can do better.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixiovk2 wrote

I'm more of a Red Ranger than Alpha 5.

Agree with the bulk of your sentiment except for the last bit, I don't look at her differently than I did when I met her but she's at least doubled her weight since then. She fractured her ankle by standing up.


jayareelle195 t1_ixisaf4 wrote

Then cut off all communication with her and her fam. Change numbers and socials if you need to. Wash your hands.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixiskil wrote


Done and done for the most part. Only changed one of my social security numbers.